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Open access

ISSN: 2096-2320
CN: 10-1383/C
e-ISSN: 2589-5532

Interaction between service investment and store-brand introduction in a dual-channel supply chain

This study examines service investment decisions in the context of two store brand introduction modes and the mode selection of a retailer. The research focuses on a supply chain comprised of a national...

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Supplier selection of complex equipment in a military-civilian collaborative two-tier supply network with uncertain preference: A matching perspective

Complex equipment refers to special equipment that differs from general equipment. The collaborative development work of complex equipment in the military-civilian integration context involves numerous...

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Mobile telecommunication companies’ investment and pricing strategies for content service

Several mobile telecommunication companies (MTCs), such as AT&T, Verizon, and China Mobile, are investing in content services to drive continued growth as the telecom industry has become saturated....

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Does digital finance drive the green level of transportation companies? Coordination effects of governmental digital preference

This paper examines the influence of digital finance (DF) on the green level of transportation companies (GLTC, n = 112) listed on the Chinese A-share market from 2011 to 2021 through moderation and...

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Multi-objective optimization for assigning reviewers to proposals based on social networks

Most of the literature on reviewer assignment problem (RAP) considers fitness or efficiency as the evaluation criterion of an assignment, e.g., the degree of matching between reviewers and proposals....

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Should competing sellers adopt the data analytics service to enable product improvement in online marketplace

More and more marketplace platforms choose to use the data gathered from consumers (e.g., customer search terms, demographics) to provide a data analytics service for third-party sellers, both encouraging...

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Credit risk prediction for small and medium enterprises utilizing adjacent enterprise data and a relational graph attention network

Credit risk prediction for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has long posed a complex research challenge. Traditional approaches have primarily focused on enterprise-specific variables, but these...

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Evaluating the moderated-mediation effects of switching costs in the link between social capital and NPD performance

In this study, we explore the causes and performance outcomes of switching costs in the context of new product development (NPD) from both the supplier and customer perspectives, and discuss the role...

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Economic forecasting with big data: A literature review

Big data technology has revolutionized the research paradigm of economic forecasting regardless of the data source, forecasting method, or forecasting result. This study evaluates the current literature...

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Social network learning efficiency in the principal–agent relationship

Under the bounded rationality assumption, a principal rarely provides an optimal contract to an agent. Learning from others is one way to improve such a contract. This paper studies the efficiency of...

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The tail risk safe haven property of China's energy futures against US market implied volatility

This paper analyses the tail risk contagion of US market implied volatility (USIV) on China's energy futures (CEF) markets, exploring how to utilize operations in the CEF to achieve a safe haven. Leveraging...

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Orthogonal polynomial expansions for the valuation of options under the stochastic volatility models with stochastic correlation

This work provides a new method for pricing options under the generalized stochastic volatility models with Jacobi stochastic correlation. Our method is based on the observation that the generalized...

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How mutual funds respond to asymmetric feedback trading in China’s stock market

Previous studies show that individual investors play a dominant role in China's stock market. Their behavior of chasing-rise being stronger than killing-fall leads to asymmetry of feedback trading....

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Innovation, financial permeation, and income inequality: From a dynamic perspective in China

Innovation is a driving force of wealth distribution. To explore its time-varying effect on income inequality, we propose a nonparametric model using the local linear dummy variable estimation (LLDVE)...

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The impact of the COVID-19 prevention and economic interventions on express delivery industry: Evidence from China

As a fundamental logistics service, the express delivery (ED) industry provides production and consumption activities to maintain efficient supply chain operations. It plays an important role in promoting...

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An MA-MRR model for transaction-level analysis of high-frequency trading processes

The transaction-level analysis of security price changes by Madhavan, Richardson, and Roomans (1997, hereafter MRR) is a useful framework for financial analysis. The first-order Markov property of trading...

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Climate bonds toward achieving net zero emissions and carbon neutrality: Evidence from machine learning technique

The Conference of the Parties (COP26 and 27) placed significant emphasis on climate financing policies with the objective of achieving net zero emissions and carbon neutrality. However, studies on the...

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Quality disclosure strategies for small business enterprises under consumer loss aversion

In this paper, we focus on small business enterprises (SBEs) that usually have low market power but can rely on retailers to transact sales and gain the ability to disclose quality information. Moreover,...

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The impact of supply chain resilience on customer satisfaction and financial performance: A combination of contingency and configuration approaches

Supply chain resilience (SCR) refers to a supply chain's (SC's) ability to recover from disruptions timely and effectively. This study uses a combination of contingency and configuration approaches...

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Cholesky GAS models for large time-varying covariance matrices

This paper develops a new class of multivariate models for large-dimensional time-varying covariance matrices, called Cholesky generalized autoregressive score (GAS) models, which are based on the Cholesky...

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A nested partitioning-based solution method for seru scheduling problem with resource allocation

This paper investigates the production scheduling problems of allocating resources and sequencing jobs in the seru production system (SPS). As a new-type manufacturing mode arising from Japanese production...

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Integrated schedule of order picking and delivery for instant delivery

In this study, we introduce an integrated schedule of order picking and delivery for instant delivery. Order picking, including order batching and picking sequencing, is scheduled online under real-time...

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Optimizing order policy and credit term for items with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit

Under the combined effects of inventory-level-dependent demand (ILDD) and trade credit, the retailer is able to order more quantities to stimulate market demand. However, from the supplier's perspective,...

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Retailers’ incentives for green investment in differentiated competition channels

With increasing public environmental awareness, green activities in retail and distribution processes have become crucial tools for retailers to boost demand and enhance competitiveness. This study...

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Economic uncertainty, central bank digital currency, and negative interest rate policy

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought unprecedented social attention to economic uncertainty and negative interest rate policy (NIRP). How does uncertainty affect economic activity, and how effective is...

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