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ISSN: 2949-9488

Global low carbon transitions in the power sector: A machine learning clustering approach using archetypes

This study presents an archetype-based approach to designing effective strategies for low-carbon transitions in the power sector. To achieve global energy transition goals, a renewable energy transition...

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Factors influencing librarian adoption of ChatGPT technology for entrepreneurial support: A study protocol

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revolutionary force in the constantly evolving technology landscape, transforming many industries, including libraries. Libraries have been focusing on experimenting...

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IoT-driven accessibility: A refreshable OCR-Braille solution for visually impaired and deaf-blind users through WSN

The spectacular concept of integrating OCR with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), presented in this study, intends to increase the autonomy and social inclusion of people...

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Role of economy, technology, and renewable energy toward carbon neutrality in China

The goal of the research project is to look at the influence of the economy, technology, and renewable energy on China's ecological damage. A number of methods, such as the ARDL bound test for cointegration,...

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Empowering tomorrow: Unleashing the role of technology driven energy efficiency for sustainable development in China

The underlying objective of the study is to investigate the energy efficiency improvement potentiality of total technological innovation and its components, such as residential and non-residential technological...

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Factors affecting the aesthetic experiences in educational games: A qualitative investigation

Aesthetics play a pivotal role in enriching the learning experience and are indispensable for fostering optimal educational environments. This study aims to identify the factors that shape aesthetic...

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Green finance and its role in sustainability in the EU

The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of green finance on sustainability in Germany and the European Union (EU). This aim will be achieved by examining recent data in this field via a panel...

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Smart governance for smart cities and nations

There is an increasing emphasis on utilizing ICT to drive global governmental transformation to enhance efficiency and cost-effective service delivery. Smart governance represents a novel and data-driven...

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How do technological innovation and urbanization drive economic growth in Tanzania and transform societies? Exploring the potential channels

The current era is witnessing a rapid pace of technological innovation and accelerated urbanization globally. This study examines the impact of technological innovation (trademark registrations) and...

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Resilience and risk management in cybersecurity: A grounded theory study of emotional, psychological, and organizational dynamics

This Grounded Theory examines the in-depth dynamics of cybersecurity professionals working in financial organizations regarding stress management, risk handling, communication challenges, and perceived...

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LLM technologies and information search

With the booming of LLM technologies (e.g., ChatGPT), people’s goals and behaviors in information search have been reshaped significantly. This paper attempts to conceptually discuss how LLM technologies...

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Women's economic empowerment and COVID-19 pandemic: A study on women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

This paper aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on women's economic empowerment in Bangladesh. Based on the available literature, this paper develops a holistic framework for economic empowerment...

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Agriculture 4.0 adoption challenges in the emerging economies: Implications for smart farming and sustainability

To ensure food security in this age of production and supply disruption, the agricultural sectors of emerging economies are gradually adopting more smart technologies to achieve sustainability. However,...

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Leveraging the digital sustainable growth model (DSGM) to drive economic growth: Transforming innovation uncertainty into scalable technology

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly with the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), has intensified concerns about AI potentially overshadowing human autonomy...

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Creative destruction and artificial intelligence: The transformation of industries during the sixth wave

Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered to be a key driver in the emerging sixth wave of technological advancement, one that has profound economic implications. The emergence of AI has led to significant...

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Unveiling the three-dimensional ecological footprint dynamics in the era of technological revolution

This study integrates technological innovation and economic growth into the environmental degradation function for India. Unlike prior studies, it uses the three-dimensional ecological footprint as...

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An Innovative Way of Analyzing COVID Topics with LLM

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, international landscapes have been profoundly reshaped, with shifts in political alliances, economic priorities, and socio-cultural norms. Such evolutions,...

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The Role of Parental Circumstances and Luck in Shaping Socioeconomic Success: A Simulation-Based Analysis of Talent

This study investigates the interplay between parental circumstances, talent, and luck in shaping long-term socioeconomic success through an agent-based simulation model. Building on prior research...

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Techno-Economic and Emissions Comparison of Waste-to-Fuel via Hydrothermal liquefaction, Transesterification, and Incineration

The global shift toward sustainable waste management and renewable energy has sparked interest in biofuel production from sewage sludge (SS). This study evaluated four waste-to-biofuel processes like...

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A Framework for Integrating GPT into Geoscience Research

Natural disasters like landslides and landfalls have a detrimental effect on global economy. Recent landslide research has heavily relied on textual and image datasets, particularly from sources like...

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Advanced Computational Methods for News Classification: A Study in Neural Networks and CNN integrated with GPT

In an era inundated with vast amounts of information, the imperative for efficient news classification is paramount. This research explores the sophisticated integration of neural networks and convolutional...

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AI-Based Decision Support Systems in Industry 4.0, A Review

The development of modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) resulted in a new era of industrial automation and data interchange, which...

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Digital Sustainable Growth Model (DSGM): Achieving Synergy Between Economy and Technology to Mitigate AGI Risks and Address Global Debt Challenges

The emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) as Artificial Humanity (AH) marks a crucial turning point in human history, influencing both the digital economy and sustainable development. AGI...

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Transforming Research with Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a novel method of computation that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to handle highly challenging situations in a very short amount of time. Quantum technology has the ability...

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Advancing environmental sustainability in the G-7: The impact of the digital economy, technological innovation, and financial accessibility using panel ARDL approach

This study examines the impact of the digital economy, technological innovation, financial accessibility, and urbanization on CO2 emissions in the G-7 region from 1990 to 2019. The analysis employed...

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