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ISSN: 1674-9847
CN: 42-1806/P
e-ISSN: 2589-0573

Interseismic and coseismic deformation of the 2023 Jishishan MS6.2 earthquake determined by GNSS and InSAR data

Quantitative studies on the interseismic and coseismic deformation characteristics and analysis of the interplay between the seismogenic fault and neighboring faults are crucial for understanding the...

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Dynamic changes of gravity field before the Luding MS6.8 earthquake and its crustal material migration characteristics

On September 5, 2022, an earthquake of magnitude MS6.8 occurred in Luding County, Sichuan Province. This earthquake occurred at the key part of the southeast-clockwise extrusion of material on the eastern...

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Assessing CryoSat-2 Satellite's seasonal accuracy in lake water level monitoring

Changes in lake levels, as an indicator of climate change, are crucial for understanding water resources. Satellite altimetry has proven to be an effective technique for monitoring water level changes...

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Research on the refinement algorithm of surface loading deformation based on Green’s function

Surface deformation calculations due to environmental loading typically rely on the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM), which assumes a homogeneous and isotropic Earth structure, leading to noticeable...

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Gap-filling products for three GRACE/GRACE-FO mascon solutions

The primary mission of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite and its successor, GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO), is to provide time-variable gravity fields, and its observations have...

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Detection of effective imaging area of SWOT satellite in the Xizang Plateau

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission represents a collaborative effort between physical oceanography and hydrology fields, aimed at exchanging detailed topography information characterized...

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Improved gravity field estimation by incorporating the Tiangong Space Station and next-generation CAI satellite gravity mission

The next-generation gravity satellite mission equipped with the Cold Atom Interferometry (CAI) gradiometer has great potential for the Earth's gravity field estimation. Deploying a CAI gradiometer on...

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Unifying the Nepal height system and China height system based on gravity frequency shift approach

Highly accurate international height reference frames with long-term stability, global consistency, and homogeneity are crucial for monitoring sea level variations, understanding climate change, managing...

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The analysis of crustal deformation patterns in the Tashkent region, Uzbekistan, derived from GNSS data over the period 2018–2023

The Tashkent region is one of the most tectonically and seismically active areas in Uzbekistan. Although it is highly significant, the understanding and quantification of current deformation processes...

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Assessment of the diurnal and semidiurnal signals induced by monument thermal effect with time series of very short GPS baselines

The monument thermal effect (MTE) displacements could result in periodical signals with several millimeters magnitudes in the vertical and horizontal GPS position time series. However, the interaction...

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Assessing GNSS hydrological monitoring capability across different climatic settings in China

Vertical position changes of ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations have been used to study regional terrestrial water storage (TWS) changes. However, the feasibility is still...

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A review of altimetry waveform retracking for inland water levels

Reliable surface height observations over inland water bodies are useful for understanding the hydrological cycle. Satellite radar altimetry particularly contributed with its long-term archive and minimal...

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Magnitude and seismogenic fault determination of ground effects paleosismic-induced at Huoshan and Guzhen in Anhui province, China

In paleoseismic research, defining the age of an event is relatively straightforward, but pinpointing its magnitude with precision is challenging. This difficulty primarily arises because physical parameters,...

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Source modeling of the 2023 Herat earthquake sequence determined from InSAR observations

During 7th-15th October 2023, an earthquake sequence with four MW6.2–6.3 occurred in the Herat region, Afghanistan, causing damage to buildings, fire, and loss of life. The co-seismic deformation induced...

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Analysis of ionospheric disturbances due to earthquakes using 3D tomography models to test the height maximum of CID correlation in various regions

Ionospheric disturbances caused by acoustic waves emitted during earthquakes were studied using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to analyze the changes in total electron content (TEC) values....

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Spatiotemporal distribution of GNSS-derived PWV in Australia from 2010 to 2019

The weather in Australia is significantly influenced by water vapor evaporated from warm ocean surfaces, which is closely associated with various extreme weather events in the region, such as floods,...

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Three-dimensional density structure of Xu-Su arc-shaped nappe structure and its relationship with seismic activity

Controlled by the squeezing collision between the Yangtze block and the North China block and the left movement of the Tanlu fault, the Xu-Su region developed into an arc-shaped nappe structure, and...

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Enhanced BDS four-frequency cycle slip detection and repair using fuzzy clustering analysis

Cycle slip detection and repair is one of the key technologies for GNSS high-precision positioning. We introduce an enhanced methodology for detecting and repairing BDS four-frequency cycle slips, utilizing...

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Modeling and forecasting of TEC using subspace-based SSA-LRF-ANN model

Subspace-based signal processing methods are fundamentally pre-trained Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) that provide the basic structure for numerous computer vision applications and explore the most...

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GNSS time series analysis of the crustal movement network of China: Detecting the optimal order of the polynomial term and its effect on the deterministic model

GNSS time series analysis provides an effective method for research of the earth's surface deformation, and it can be divided into two parts, deterministic models and stochastic models. The former part...

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Spatiotemporal evolution of long-term slow slip events at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand (2021–2023): Implications for seismic activity

Various slow slip events (SSEs) with distinct characteristics have been detected globally, particularly in regions with dense Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) networks. In the Hikurangi subduction...

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Numerical simulation for large baseline interferometric imaging altimeter

Sea topography information holds significant importance in oceanic research and the climate change detection. Radar imaging altimetry has emerged as the leading approach for global ocean observation,...

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Galileo multi-day precise orbit determination using L-band and SLR data

The continuously available satellites of European Galileo currently reach more than 25. To explore the rationality and reliability of the L-band and satellite laser ranging (SLR) data processing strategies,...

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Improving atmospheric pressure vertical correction model using Gaussian function

The Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) is essential for high-precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data processing. Accurate estimation of ZHD...

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Detection and interpretation of the time-varying seasonal signals in China with multi-geodetic measurements

The time-varying periodic variations in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations affect the reliable time series analysis and appropriate geophysical interpretation. In this study, we apply...

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