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Open access

ISSN: 1674-2834
e-ISSN: 2376-6123

Relationship between the geopotential height anomalies induced by tropical cyclones and the meridional movement of the western Pacific subtropical high

The present study employs statistical analysis to investigate the relationship between the geopotential height anomalies induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) and the meridional movement of the western...

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Perspectives and challenges on the interaction between tropical cyclone precipitation and the ocean: A review

Tropical cyclone–induced heavy precipitation (TCP) can have a detrimental impact on human productivity, causing significant economic losses and even human casualties in coastal countries every year....

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Impacts of lateral boundary conditions from numerical models and data-driven networks on convective-scale ensemble forecasts

The impacts of lateral boundary conditions (LBCs) provided by numerical models and data-driven networks on convective-scale ensemble forecasts are investigated in this study. Four experiments are conducted...

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Westward shift of western North Pacific tropical cyclones in CMIP6-HighResMIP models

Against the backdrop of climate change, the activity of tropical cyclones (TCs) has captured widespread attention. Observational datasets indicate a declining trend in the genesis longitude of western...

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Theory and prediction of tropical cyclones and induced precipitation

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Secondary eyewall formation in upper- and lower-layer vertical wind shear simulated in idealized tropical cyclones

This study investigates the characteristics of secondary eyewall formation (SEF) in idealized tropical cyclones embedded in vertical wind shear (VWS) at different heights. The results show that upper-layer...

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Collaborative assimilation experiment of Beidou radiosonde and drone-dropped radiosonde based on CMA-TRAMS

Based on the China Meteorological Administration's Tropical Regional Atmosphere Model for the South China Sea (CMA-TRAMS), the authors conducted a collaborative assimilation forecasting experiment utilizing...

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Characteristics of tropical cyclone outflow over the western North Pacific

This study employs the self-organizing map method to investigate the upper-tropospheric outflow patterns of tropical cyclones (TCs) over the western North Pacific from 1979 to 2019, using the 200 hPa...

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Microphysical processes of the “21·7” Henan extremely heavy rainfall event as simulated with the Thompson microphysics scheme

A numerical simulation was performed using the Thompson microphysics scheme to preliminarily investigate the features of the microphysical processes involved in the record-breaking rainfall event that...

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Statistical seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone landfalls on Taiwan Island

Forecasting tropical cyclone (TC) activities has been a topic of great interest and research. Taiwan Island (TW) is one of the key regions that is highly exposed to TCs originated from the western North...

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Changes in tropical cyclone response to the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation in the western North Pacific under global warming in EC-Earth3P-HR

EC-Earth3P-HR reproduces well the observed Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO) and its impacts on tropical cyclone genesis (TCG) in the western North Pacific (WNP). Hence, the historical...

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Numerical simulation of size contraction of Typhoon Cempaka (2021)

In 2021, Cempaka, a tiny tropical cyclone, made landfall in China. As the TC intensified prior to landfall, the tropical cyclone size measured with precipitation decreased significantly. A numerical...

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Understanding the initial conditions contributing to the rapid intensification of typhoons through ensemble sensitivity analysis

While steady improvements have been achieved for the track forecasts of typhoons, there has been a lack of improvement for intensity forecasts. One challenge for intensity forecasts is to capture the...

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A regional ocean–atmosphere coupled model using CMA-TRAMS and LICOM: Preliminary results for tropical cyclone gale prediction over the northern South China Sea

This paper provides a comparative analysis of the performance of a high-resolution regional ocean–atmosphere coupled model in predicting tropical cyclone (TC) gales over the northern South China Sea....

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Impact of refined oceanic model resolution on the simulation of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in LICOM3

The present study compares the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in the North Atlantic from two simulations by an oceanic general circulation model with 1°  ×  1° and 0.1°  ×  0.1°...

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Interannual variability of short rains in Tanzania and the influences from ENSO and the Indian Ocean Dipole

Tanzania is mainly subject to a bimodal rainfall pattern, characterized by two distinct seasons: the long rains, occurring from March to May, and the short rains, which typically take place from October...

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Principal modes of summer NDVI in eastern Siberia and its climate prediction schemes

Based on a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) dataset for 1982–2021, this work investigates the principal modes of interannual variability in summer NDVI over eastern Siberia using the year-to-year...

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Spatiotemporal characteristics of Universal Thermal Climate Index during five-year return period extreme heat events in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region

Frequent extreme heat events exacerbated by global warming pose a significant threat to human health. However, the dynamic changes in human thermal comfort during such regional extremes remain understudied....

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Attribution of regional Hadley circulation intensity changes in the Northern Hemisphere

The discrepancy in the trends of the global zonal mean (GZM) intensity of the Hadley circulation (HCI) between reanalysis data and model simulations has been a problem for understanding the changes...

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High-skill members in the subseasonal forecast ensemble of extreme cold events in East Asia

Subseasonal forecasting of extreme events is crucial for early warning systems. However, the forecast skills for extreme events are limited. Taking the extreme cold events in January 2018 as a specific...

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The increase in hot–dry events with a high risk of mortality in China associated with the phase transition of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

Compound extreme climate events involving multiple meteorological elements usually have a more severe impact on the environment and human health than single-element extreme events. However, the current...

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Nowcasting of cloud-to-ground lightning location and frequency based on a deep learning technique

Predicting lightning that can cause power grid trips is significant for disaster prevention. This paper integrates cloud-to-ground lightning detection, water vapor and infrared channel as well as channel...

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A new approach for identifying dominant cloud types and relationships between cloud types and precipitation vertical structure in tropical regions

Cloud type profoundly affects precipitation, but few studies have explored its impact on precipitation scale height. The authors calculated the ratio of the volume of each cloud type to the total cloud...

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Impacts of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on global fire PM2.5 during 2000–2023

The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a key driver of global climate variability, profoundly influencing regional fire activities and associated pollutant emissions. This study investigates the...

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Interannual variability of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the northwestern Pacific influenced by the Pacific Meridional Mode

During the boreal summer, intraseasonal oscillations exhibit significant interannual variations in intensity over two key regions: the central-western equatorial Pacific (5°S–5°N, 150°E–150°W) and the...

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