Latest issue in 2024 Hydrogen-Battery Energy Storage in Microgid
Published 23 December, 2024
What is the value of a hybrid hydrogen-battery energy storage system (HBESS) work in a microgrid? To answer this question, a team led by Professor Xu Zhao from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University proposes an adaptive robust optimization approach tailored for HBESS operating within a microgrid with SoC management to minimize the operating cost.
In the model, detailed in the journal Global Energy Interconnection, the day-ahead stage utilizes robust optimization to establish the hydrogen dispatch and battery storage state-of-charge (SoC) upper and lower bounds, while the intraday stage focuses on dispatching battery storage within the defined SoC interval, taking into account the uncertainty realization from a holistic daily perspective.
To hedge against the uncertainties, the adaptive robust optimization method is proposed to adapt the proposed HBES system integrate microgrid operation model with integer recourse variables and then solved by the proposed outer-inner-CCG algorithm. The outcomes of the simulations affirm the exceptional performance efficiency, and resilience of the adaptive robust operation model.
In sum, this study proposes an adaptive robust HBESS integrated microgrid operation model with SoC management to minimize operating costs.

Contact author:
Zhao Xu
Funder: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 72331008, and No. 72271211, and PolyU research project 1-YXBL.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
See the article:
Huayi Wu, Zhao Xu, Youwei Jia, Optimal hydrogen-battery energy storage system operation in microgrid with zero-carbon emission, Global Energy Interconnection, Volume 7, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 616-628,