Latest impact factors for KeAi journals

Published 24 June, 2024

We are delighted to bring you the latest impact factors* for our journals.

We would like to thank the journals’ editorial teams, the reviewers and the authors who have contributed to the success of these journals. We look forward to continuing to work with all of you, taking the journals to the next level of excellence.

The impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal in the proceeding two years.

Highlights include:

  • 61 KeAi journalsreceived an Impact Factor (including 21 SCIE journals, 39 ESCI journals and 1 AHCI journal) compared with 38 titles last year. 22 journals received their first Impact Factor
  • 6 journals ranked #1 in corresponding categories (including 3 SCIE, 3ESCI) and 1 AHCI journal’s JCI index ranked #1
  • 26 journals (43%) in top 10%, 43 journals (70%) in Q1, 54 journals (89%) in Q1+Q2
  • 13 journals (33% of journals that have the data) have a positive annual growth
  • Outstanding New Journals:
    • 22 journals are newly accepted to ESCI, received their first IF this year
    • 8 newly accepted journals (36%) are in top 10%
    • 19 newly accepted journals (86%) are in Q1 + Q2
  • We have created influential journals in many different fields:
    • Covered 62 different WoS categories (24% of total 254 WoS categories)
    • Have journals in very small categories like MATERIALS SCIENCE, PAPER & WOOD and ENGINEERING, PETROLEUM with only 23 journals; ORNITHOLOGY with only 29 journals

All Impact Factors 

SCIE Indexed Journals

Journal Title 2023IF Rank
Advances in Climate Change Research 6.4 Top10%
Animal Nutrition 6.1 Top10%
Avian Research 1.6 Q1
Bioactive Materials 18.0 Top1
Defence Technology 5.0 Q1
Digital Communications and Networks 7.5 Top10%
Forest Ecosystems 3.8 Top10%
Genes and Diseases 6.9 Q1
Green Energy & Environment 10.7 Top10%
Horticultural Plant Journal 5.7 Top10%
International Journal of Sediment Research 3.5 Q2
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7.3 Top10%
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 15.8 Top1
Petroleum Exploration and Development 7.0 Top1
Petroleum Science 6.0 Top10%
Plant Diversity 4.6 Q1
Propulsion and Power Research 5.4 Top10%
Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 4.4 Q1
The Crop Journal 6.0 Top10%
Underground Space 8.2 Top10%
Virologica Sinica 4.3 Q2


ESCI Indexed Journals

Journal Title 2023IF Rank
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 9.9 Top10%
Advanced Powder Materials 28.6 Top10%
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 8.2 Top1
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2.3 Q3
Brain Hemorrhages 1.3 Q4
Carbon Resources Conversion 6.4 Q1
China Economic Quarterly International 1.9 Q2
China Geology 4.6 Q1
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 3.9 Q2
Earthquake Science 1.9 Q2
Emerging Contaminants 5.3 Q1
Energetic Materials Frontiers 3.3 Q2
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 9.0 Top10%
eScience 42.9 Top1
Fundamental Research 5.7 Q1
Geodesy and Geodynamics 2.8 Q2
Global Energy Interconnection 1.9 Q3
Green Chemical Engineering 9.1 Top10%
Green Synthesis and Catalysis 8.2 Q1
Infectious Disease Modelling 3.0 Q1
International Journal of Innovation Studies 4.2 Q2
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 4.3 Q2
Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts 20.2 Top1
Journal of Future Foods 5.2 Q1
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 5.4 Top10%
Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering 4.8 Q1
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 3.7 Q1
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering-English Edition 7.4 Top10%
Liver Research 2.0 Q3
Nano Materials Science 12.6 Top10%
Natural Gas Industry B 4.2 Q2
Non-coding RNA Research 5.9 Q1
Petroleum 4.2 Q1
Regional Sustainability 4.3 Q1
Research in Cold and Arid Regions 0.7 Q4
Sports Medicine and Health Science 2.3 Q2
Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 2.4 Q3
Water Biology and Security 5.1 Top10%
World Journal of Acupuncture - Moxibustion 0.6 Q4


AHCI Indexed Journals

Journal Title 2023IF Rank
Frontiers of Architectural Research 3.1 Top1


* ©Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics, 2024

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