Factors influencing nursing mothers’ exclusive breastfeeding practices and their effects on infants aged zero to six months in Nigeria: A review of current evidence
September 2024
This systematic review aimed to investigate the various factors contributing to the practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) among nursing mothers in Nigeria and its potential effects on infants aged...
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The effects of a health literacy promotion program for prevention of preterm birth among pregnant women who received antenatal care services in the hospital-based
Available online 25 January 2025
Premature birth, defined as delivery before 37 weeks of gestation, is a critical global health issue that poses significant risks to maternal and neonatal well-being. Although substantial research has...
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Evidence summary: How to implement early mother-infant skin-to-skin contact after delivery
June 2024
This study aimed to delineate the optimal practices for early mother-infant skin-to-skin contact (SSC) by synthesizing the best available evidence, thereby facilitating its implementation and promo...
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Prevalence and outcome of puerperal sepsis among mothers in Nigeria: A five-year retrospective study
September 2024
Puerperal sepsis is one of the leading causes of maternal illness and mortality in low- and middle-income countries, despite advances in diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, and medical management....
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Socio-demographic determinants of diet quality among working women of reproductive age in Malaysia
March 2024
Having a good diet quality not only increases the chance of getting all essential nutrients but also reduces the risk of non-communicable diseases....
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Applying Diet Plans and Carbohydrate Tracking Using Self-Care Theory to Address Weight Regulation Challenges in Gestational Diabetes for Improved Outcomes
Available online 7 January 2025
Effective management of gestational diabetes hinges on careful regulation of diet, carbohydrate intake, and weight. Self-Care Theory plays a pivotal role by empowering patients to take active control...
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Determinants of under-five mortality in Zimbabwe: Evidence from the 2015–2016 Zimbabwe demographic Health Survey data
March 2024
Child mortality is an important measure of a population’s health status. It is included in the third sustainable development goal that aims to improve global health by reducing under-five mortality...
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Trajectory of pelvic floor muscle training adherence in Chinese women with postpartum stress urinary incontinence and its related factors: A longitudinal study
September 2024
Numerous studies have shown that pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) adherence in women with postpartum stress urinary incontinence is low and influenced by many factors. However, most previous studies...
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The Association Between Parenting Efficacy and Parent-Children Relationship for Parents with One or Two Preschooler Children
Available online 10 December 2024
this study utilized data from one-child and two-child family with children aged from 3-6 years old in Shanghai, China to (a) demonstrate the status of parenting self-efficacy and parent-child relationship...
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Harnessing emerging technologies for sustainable child health: Rethinking strategies for advancing SDG 3.2 in resource-constrained environments
December 2024
Despite the various interventions by governments and partnering organisations, many children the age of five years continue to lose their lives to preventable causes. Therefore, the purpose of this...
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Fathers’ experiences of becoming and being a father of twins in a multiple-birth family
December 2024
To describe the lived experiences of fathers of twins and to contribute to the understanding of twin fatherhood and the need for support. A further aim was to increase knowledge of multiple-birth parenthood...
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The experience of spontaneous pushing during labor among Chinese women: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey
December 2024
To explore Chinese women’s experiences of spontaneous pushing during the second stage of labor....
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Determining factors associated with Anaemia in pregnant women attending antenatal care unit at St. Paul’s Hospital, Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Unmatched case-control study.
Available online 7 February 2025
Anaemia in pregnancy is associated with maternal death, premature birth, low birth weight, and infant death. In Ethiopia, anaemia among pregnant women is high, and due to differences in nutritional,...
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Intensive care nurses’ experiences of VA-ECMO support for systemic lupus erythematosus-related pulmonary arterial hypertension complicated with pregnancy: A case report
December 2024
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease with a poor prognosis and high mortality, which also threatens the puerpera. Nursing care focuses on hemodynamic...
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Parents’ expectations regarding media use among children up to 6 years of age
July 2023
To describe parents’ expectations concerning information sources and counseling related to media use by children up to six years of age....
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Preparing practice-ready family nurse practitioners using technology-based, high-fidelity pediatric telehealth simulations: A curricular quality improvement initiative
June 2024
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic accelerated the change in delivery of pediatric primary care services from in-person to telehealth to curb the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, creating an urgent need to prepare...
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Should we be concerned regarding physical activity levels in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease? A comprehensive narrative review
September 2024
The paradigm shift toward a holistic and proactive approach in the aftercare of individuals diagnosed with congenital heart disease (CHD) underscores the significance of regular physical activity (PA)...
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Available online 22 January 2025
The study aims to construct a core competency index system for breastfeeding consulting nurses, based on the Onion Model, to improve their consulting abilities and promote breastfeeding rates....
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Lymphatic pain in breast cancer survivors: An overview of the current evidence and recommendations
June 2024
Among the 7.8 million women with breast cancer worldwide, at least 33%–44% of them are affected by lymphatic pain. Lymphatic pain refers to co-occurring pain (e.g., pain, aching or soreness) and swelling....
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Theory-based development of a tailored implementation strategy tool to promote Early Essential Newborn Care practice: A protocol
March 2024
We aimed to develop an implementation tool that could help healthcare professionals identify modifiable factors and develop tailored implementation strategies to promote the implementation of Early...
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Trajectory of perceived social support on maternal and its related factors-a longitudinal research in Southwest China
July 2023
At present, a large number of research results showed that social support is highly correlated with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and self-harm during pregnancy and some adverse...
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Role of proximate and non-proximate determinants in children ever born among Indian women: Change detection analysis from NFHS-3 & 5
July 2023
India is a developing nation and has achieved a significant reduction in fertility. This study attempted to identify the trend of change in children ever born (CEB) against proximate and non-proximate...
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An exploration of the association of heart rate variability with daily stress and sleep in postpartum women
Available online 14 January 2025
Heart rate variability (HRV) may provide feedback regarding need for recovery to post-partum women. We explored the associations between daily supine resting HRV and perceived stress and sleep quality...
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Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the self-efficacy scale for practicing pelvic floor exercises in postpartum Chinese women
July 2023
To translate the self-efficacy scale for practicing pelvic floor exercises (SESPPFE) into Chinese and explore its reliability and validity among postpartum Chinese women....
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A study on the predictors of childbirth experience in women with vaginal birth in China
March 2024
To investigate the current situation and influencing factors of the childbirth experience of women with vaginal birth in China....
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