Wearable Electronics(WE)Journal Launch

Published 08 June, 2024

Wearable Electronics (WE) was officially launched at IUMRS-ICEM2024 on May 18th, 2024, in Hong Kong. The conference, a flagship event of the IUMRS, has convened biennially since 1988, providing a platform for materials scientists worldwide to present their latest research, interact with peers and establish research collaborations.

As a peer-review open access journal, WE will focus on various aspects of wearable electronics, aiming to address the key challenges in shaping the core science and technologies in the field.

To commemorate this significant milestone, the editorial team, comprising editors-in-chief, advisors, associate editors, editorial board members, and managing editor, along with on-site guests, researchers and experts to capture a commemorative group photograph.

Many experts and scholars in this field witnessed the launch of WE. In attendance were journal Editors-in-Chief, Prof. Huanli Dong from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and Prof. Xue Feng from Tsinghua University. Advisory Members include Prof. Yunqi Liu from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Xiaodong Chen from Nanyang Technological University; Prof. Chwee Teck Lim from National University of Singapore; Prof. Paolo Samorì from University of Strasbourg; Professor Norbert Koch from Humboldt University; and Prof. Wenping Hu from Tianjin University. Associate Editors include Prof. Guozhen Shen from Beijing University of Technology; Professor Yunlong Guo from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Shuzhou Li from Nanyang University of Technology; and Professor Unyong Jeong from Pohang University of Science and Technology. Editorial Board Members include Prof. Paddy Chan from University of Hong Kong, Prof. Wenlong Cheng from University of Sydney; Prof. Zhiyong Fan from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Senior Research Scientist Kenjiro Fukuda from Japanese Institute of Physics and Chemistry; Prof. Liqiang Li from Tianjin University; Prof. Young Min Song from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology; Prof. Binghao Wang from Southeast University;  Prof. Zhongming Wei from Institute of Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Associate Prof. Xiaomin Xu from Tsinghua University; Prof. Feng Yan from Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Prof. Jingbi You from Institute of Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Xinge Yu from City University of Hong Kong; Prof. Yingying Zhang from Tsinghua University. Guests include Prof. Zhenan Bao, fellow of the National Academy of Engineering, USA; Prof. Takao Someya from University of Tokyo; Managing Editor Dr. Can Gao from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; KeAi Publisher Dr. Michelle Wang. Associate Editor of WE, Prof. Yunlong Guo, presided over the inaugural journal ceremony.

At the ceremony, Editors-in-Chief Prof. Dong and Prof. Feng delivered the opening speech. Advisors Prof. Liu, Prof. Hu, Prof. Lim and Prof. Koch, alongside Associate Editors Prof. Shen and Prof. Jeong, as well as Editorial Board Member Prof. Yu, shared their insights. The corresponding author of the first article in the journal, Prof. Yan, who is also an Editorial Board Members of the journal, recounted his submission journey with fellow experts and scholars.

Though unable to attend in person, Prof. Bao, Prof. Chen, Prof. Samorì and Prof. Someya conveyed their warm congratulations through video messages.

All experts and scholars extended their congratulations on the launch of WE, expressing their firm belief it will provide vital support and advancement to the field of wearable electronics, enhancing the quality of life for people worldwide. The editorial team of WE comprises world-renowned experts and scholars hailing from prestigious universities and academic institutions, while KeAi, the publisher, pledges unwavering support for the journal's growth, committed to delivering high-quality academic services to researchers globally.

Following the successful launch ceremony of WE, Prof. Dong and Prof. Feng convened the inaugural onsite editorial board meeting. Attendees expressed their dedication to collaborate, learn and contribute towards shaping the future of wearable electronics, and to elevate WE to the status of a flagship journal in the field.

Throughout IUMRS-ICEM2024, the experts comprising the editorial board of WE delivered outstanding presentations at both the main conference and various group sessions.

We extend our gratitude to the organizers of IUMRS-ICEM2024, as well as the chairman of the Group E Stretchable and Wearable Electronics Conference and all the volunteers whose invaluable support was instrumental in making this event a success.

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