A state-of-the-art review of the electrocoagulation technology for wastewater treatment
The continued increase in urbanisation and industrialisation across the world has dramatically increased the amount and variety of waste, and, in particular, wastewater, being generated. Wastewaters...
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Environmental data and facts in the semiconductor manufacturing industry: An unexpected high water and energy consumption situation
With the expansion of the semiconductor industry, determining the huge associated water and energy consumption and accomplishing sustainable development can be key issues for this industry. This study...
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Water reuse and recycling in Australia — history, current situation and future perspectives
Most of Australia has low rainfall. The population is small (25 M) but growing at 1.5%/yr. Water limitations are being exacerbated by climate change. By 1990, restraints placed on wastewater treatment...
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Water reuse and recycling in Japan — History, current situation, and future perspectives
Water reuse is an effective option all over the world for saving water resources, reducing environmental impacts, and reducing the costs and energy involved in water resource management. In Japan, non-potable...
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Characteristics and treatment methods for peat water as clean water sources: A mini review
Peatland is spread over the world providing unique organic-rich surface water. This product is called peat water, which is used as a clean source for drinking in several countries after the treatment,...
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Long-term performance and economic evaluation of full-scale MF and RO process – A case study of the changi NEWater Project Phase 2 in Singapore
The Changi NEWater Project Phase 2 purifies the secondary effluent of an urban sewage treatment plant using a two-stage microfiltration membrane (MF) and reverse osmosis (RO) process to produce NEWater...
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Application of GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis of hydro-geomorphological factors for flash flood susceptibility mapping in Bangladesh
Flash floods are one of the most prevalent natural disasters, triggering deadly damage to homesteads, crops, infrastructure, road networks, communications, and the natural environment in the Haor (Wetland)...
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Water strategies and practices for sustainable development in the semiconductor industry
Semiconductor manufacturing is a rapidly growing industry and water-intensive industry. Water strategy formulation and decisions can be crucial factors in realizing the sustainable development of the...
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Recent advances in treatment refinement of kitchen digested wastewater: Feasibility, prospects, and technicalities
Kitchen digested wastewater contain high levels of nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand (COD), salts, toxic substances, and oils and the treatment of these pollutants is a challenge for wastewater treatment...
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Towards the new era of wastewater treatment of China: Development history, current status, and future directions
Water is essential for the sustainable development of human society. With the largest population and rapid economic development, water usage and treatment in China have grown tremendously in the past...
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Membrane technology for rainwater treatment and reuse: A mini review
Because of the current situation of global water shortage, finding strategies that can effectively guarantee water safety and sustainable use has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved at...
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Water quality characteristics of municipal wastewater treatment plants and the prospect of reclaimed water utilization in lower-middle income and water-scarce areas: A case study of Puyang
Water scarcity is a key bottleneck for China's economic and social development. Reclaimed water presents a sustainable solution, but its utilization remains limited, especially in lower-middle income...
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Constructed treatment wetland: Glance of development and future perspectives
It has been well recognised that the representative activated sludge process as the principal wastewater treatment technology is not only expensive but requires supervision by technical staff. In line...
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Ubiquitous Microplastics, Sources, Impacts, and Treatment: Importance of Cost-effective Ceramic Membranes for MPs Removal
Available online 10 December 2024
Microplastics (MPs) contamination is one of today's most stern environmental challenges, resulting from enormous tonnes of plastic production. Since MPs are present in all forms, i.e., fragments, fibres,...
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Water reuse and recycling in Canada — history, current situation and future perspectives
Water reuse and recycling in Canada has been alive and viable where there is a need for water conservation or to reduce nutrients going to rivers and lakes. A study on response to reuse shows many people...
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A sustainable green solution to domestic sewage pollution: Optimizing floating wetland treatment with different plant combinations and growth media
Water quality degradation poses a global threat, with surface water resources bearing the brunt of pollution from various sources, including inadequately treated wastewater discharged from industrial...
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Fe-doped biochars prepared via hydrothermal treatment and low-temperature air calcination to activate peroxymonosulfate for efficient tetracycline degradation
In this study, a new sludge-based biochar loaded with Fe species (Fe/SSBC) was prepared by a two-step process involving hydrothermal treatment and low-temperature air calcination, and used to degrade...
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Mitigation of PFOA/PFOS toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) by oxidative stress modulation and gut microbial metabolism through the use of aquatic probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) have been classified as typical persistent organic pollutants (POPs), thus the residues and risks in the environment should not be...
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Responses of bloom-forming Microcystis aeruginosa to polystyrene microplastics exposure: Growth and photosynthesis
Microplastics were often detected in water environment, however, their effects on algal blooms were unclear. In this study, the growth and photosynthesis capacity of bloom-forming algae Microcystis...
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Water quality assessment to determine the trophic state and suitability of Lake Sentani (Indonesia) for various utilisation purposes
Lake Sentani is one of the national priority lakes that must be saved from eutrophication and the threat of water quality degradation due to pollution. This study aims to assess the water quality parameters...
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Exploration and case analysis of treatment processes and reuse pathways for industrial brine wastewater in China
Treatment of industrial brine wastewater, which is characterized by multiple sources and complex water quality, poses significant challenges. Brine separation technology can effectively address the...
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Physical and chemical processes driven by natural iron minerals in aquatic environments
In aquatic environments, natural iron minerals are a prevalent form of iron, which alter substance speciation through adsorption and redox reactions. Their abiotic migration and transformation processes...
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Analysis and standardization of coal chemical wastewater treatment and reuse systems
To meet the practical needs of classified collection, graded treatment, and quality recycling of coal chemical wastewater, and in accordance with the standardization requirements of wastewater resource...
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Novel Terms & Concepts: A new type of Smart Article
•Water Cycle provides a type of Smart Article entitled Novel Terms & Concepts.•Novel Terms & Concepts focus on defining novel or easily confused terms and concepts in the field of water .•A dedicated...
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