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Open access

ISSN: 2772-7351
CN: 42-1940/Q
p-ISSN: 2097-4132

A high-throughput phenome-based analysis of morphological variation and environmental adaptation in extremely high-altitude schizothoracine fishes

Schizothoracine fishes are distributed in the Nagqu region, which is the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau. They have adapted to the cold and strongly ultraviolet environment of the plateau and show...

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Synthesis and properties of pentabutyryl glucose ester and its effects on the growth, liver and intestinal health, and gut microbiota of zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Butyric acid and its derivatives are widely applied in aquaculture as an alternative to antibiotics, which are beneficial for the growth and health of aquatic animals. However, these products have some...

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Family evolution and functional divergence of bony fish-specific Gig1 homologs

Grass carp reovirus (GCRV)-induced gene 1 (Gig1) is identified initially in crucian carp C. auratus as a novel interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) encoding an antiviral protein and subsequently as the...

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From primary to secondary invasions: Strategies to mitigate the invasion risk of pikeperch

Aquaculture, as a major source of protein in the food industry, heavily relies on the introduction and farming of non-native species. Pikeperch, Sander lucioperca, an important fish in aquaculture,...

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Seasonal variation and driving factors of beta diversity of macroinvertebrate assemblages in subtropical Chinese high-mountain streams

High-mountain stream ecosystems are recognized as ideal arenas for natural experiments and for ecological monitoring and assessment research, owing to their sensitivity to climate gradients and human-mediated...

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Biologging as a potential platform for resolving ocean environmental issues and threats: Towards the development of the Internet of Animals

Biologging is a method that utilizes animal-borne devices to study the behavioural ecology, physiology, and surrounding environment of animals. This is the Lagrangian observation method, which assigns...

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Non-native aquatic species in the Dongting Lake basin, China

Dongting Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in China, supports high biodiversity and many endemic or endangered species, such as finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides), Baer's pochard (Aythya...

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Mechanism of low temperature-induced intestinal damage in Danio rerio and the mitigating effect of alanylglutamine

Recent cold waves and abrupt seasonal temperature drops have significantly impacted aquaculture, slowing fish growth and causing mass mortality. The intestine plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient...

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Key environmental factors determining life history strategies of river fishes and their historical changes in the Yangtze River

Life history theory predicts that species-specific life history traits are shaped by variations in environmental conditions. Understanding the key environmental factors determining life history strategies...

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Mitigating methane emissions during nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands

As nitrogen removal requires anaerobic conditions for denitrification, which facilitates the production of methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas, it is a challenge to achieve nitrogen removal with...

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Overlooked eDNA contamination in human-influenced ecosystems: a call to manage large-scale false positives in biodiversity assessments

The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) has significantly revolutionized studies in biodiversity science. A crucial innovation of eDNA-based biodiversity assessment is the ability to detect species through...

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Aquatic pollution from truck spills: Urgent action needed in Brazil and beyond

On 29 January, 2024, a truck accident spilled concentrated sulfonic acid into a river in Brazil’s State of Santa Catarina. This disaster, which occurred in a protected area, killed various types of...

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Distribution and abundance of large pelagic predatory bony fishes in the northwestern Pacific over a half-century

Large pelagic predatory fishes play an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying the highest position in food webs and accumulating energy and organic matter produced by aquatic organisms of lower...

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Taxonomic and functional diversity of protists in saline and hypersaline lakes in southern Western Siberia, a region strongly affected by climate change

Climate change has had an unprecedented impact on lake ecosystems around the globe and has both direct and indirect consequences on lake structure and mineralization. These changes are threatening the...

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Eggshell waste as a promising adsorbent for phosphorus recovery from wastewater: A review

Phosphorus is a plant nutrient that is the main driving force of eutrophication, a serious type of water pollution. Various techniques and materials have been used to identify cost-effective, environmentally...

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Evaluation of the influence of offshore wind farm noise on the fishes and dolphins in the Pearl River Estuary

In this study, we recorded the noise radiating from a wind farm and evaluated its potential impact on the fishes and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) residing in the Pearl River Estuary....

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Distinct ecological processes shape micro-eukaryotic generalists and specialists in a canal-disturbed wetland, Lake Weishan, China

Micro-eukaryotic communities are highly sensitive to environmental changes, and their structure offers crucial insights into the impact of human activities on aquatic habitats. Despite their significance,...

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Muscle metabolism in response to oxidized fish oil feed in juvenile Nile tilapia

To investigate the effect of oxidized fish oil on fish muscle metabolic responses and flesh quality, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) weighing 13.73 ​± ​0.31 ​g were fed two diets for 12 weeks:...

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Understanding the mechanisms of hypoxia-induced tissue damage in fish: The role of GasderminEa/b in Larimichthys crocea

Hypoxia is one of the major environmental stressors, frequently resulting in serious yield losses for maricultured large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). We know that pyroptosis contributes to...

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CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis reveals an essential role of PI4KB in promoting growth and resisting hemorrhagic disease caused by GCRV-II infection in juvenile grass carp

Few studies have reported obtaining grass carp resistant to hemorrhagic disease via gene editing in commercial fish. Here, we demonstrate that the expression and activity of grass carp PI4KB (gcPI4KB)...

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The lake cod Gadus morhua kildinensis in the context of conservation biology

Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, is a marine fish, but there are several Arctic lakes, where it also occurs. Mogilnoye Lake on Kildin Island in the Barents Sea is especially famous for them. It is a salinity...

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Kernel density estimation of egg attachment areas aids in revealing spatiotemporal changes in Chinese sturgeon spawning grounds

Identifying precise egg attachment areas and tracking trends of spawning magnitude (total amount of spawned eggs) are critical for accurate habitat assessment and effective conservation efforts, especially...

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Black carp RNF115 restricts IRF3/7-mediated antiviral signaling in innate immunity

The Really Interesting New Gene (RING) ubiquitin E3 ligase family comprises a large number of members and plays a crucial role in the antiviral process. RING finger protein 115 (RNF115), also known...

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Hot and cold exposure triggers distinct transcriptional and behavioral responses in laboratory-inbred pond snails

Animals exhibit remarkable behavioral and molecular adaptations to cope with thermal stressors, which are crucial for survival in variable environments that are exacerbated by climate change. Aquatic...

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Microbial diversity and biogeography across gastrointestinal tracts of Takifugu pufferfish revealed by full-length 16S amplicon sequencing

Fish, which are vital for both aquatic ecosystem functionality and global food supply, rely heavily on their gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microbiota for the digestion that underpins their growth and...

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