Aquatic Ecological Survey and Assessment
Published 25 June, 2024
Water Biology and Security is organizing a Virtual Issue on the Topic "Freshwater Ecology Survey and Assessment". You are cordially invited to submit your review paper in English to the Journal. This Issue will explore the status and trends of freshwater ecosystems and discuss the influence of environmental and policy factors on freshwater ecology. We aim to curate 5–10 papers on the following topics at a national or continental spatial extent:
- Impacts of water quality and physical habitat on freshwater ecosystems
- Impact of water supply on freshwater ecology
- Impact of socio-economic factors on freshwater ecosystems
- Water ecological health (or multimetric indices of multiple assemblages)
Each review paper should have a brief introduction (brief history that led to the biomonitoring & bioassessment program) and a brief discussion (final remarks, policy & legal gaps & needs, research gaps & needs). All or most of the following points should be covered in each review paper:
- Enabling Legislation
- Funding Mechanism for Survey & Assessment Program
- Water Body Types Assessed
- Survey Design
- Reference Site Selection
- Site-scale Sampling Design & Protocol
- Assemblages Sampled
- Environmental Predictors Sampled
- Indicators (indices) Applied
- Assessments Determined
- Key Risks Determined
- Major Gaps/Needs
We look forward to your participation to discuss these environmental problems and to seek solutions for lakes and other water bodies.
Important deadlines
Submission close: 31 January 2025
Expected time to first decision: 4 weeks after submission
Open access (OA) fee: Waived
Submission instructions
Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All submissions should be made via the online editorial system.
Guest Editors

Prof. Shaoyong Lu
Research Centre of Lake Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China

Prof. Robert M. Hughes
Amnis Opes Institute, Bend, OR, USA
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA

Dr Philip T. Orr
Australian Rivers Institute
Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia