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Open access

ISSN: 2096-2754
CN: 31-2130
e-ISSN: 2467-9674

Soft computing approach for prediction of surface settlement induced by earth pressure balance shield tunneling

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Estimation of the TBM advance rate under hard rock conditions using XGBoost and Bayesian optimization

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Deformation analysis and safety assessment of existing metro tunnels affected by excavation of a foundation pit

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Rockburst in underground excavations: A review of mechanism, classification, and prediction methods

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Scientific problems and research proposals for Sichuan–Tibet railway tunnel construction

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Systems approaches to urban underground space planning and management – A review

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Assessment of basal heave stability for braced excavations in anisotropic clay using extreme gradient boosting and random forest regression

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Stability analysis of underground mine hard rock pillars via combination of finite difference methods, neural networks, and Monte Carlo simulation techniques

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Underground space use of urban built-up areas in the central city of Nanjing: Insight based on a dynamic population distribution

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Tunneling and deep excavations in spatially variable soil and rock masses: A short review

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Unpacking data-centric geotechnics

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Centrifuge modelling of tunnelling below existing twin tunnels with different types of support

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Prediction of lining response for twin tunnels constructed in anisotropic clay using machine learning techniques

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TBM penetration rate prediction based on the long short-term memory neural network

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Developments and research directions in pipe jacking and microtunneling

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Future cities, resilient cities – The role of underground space in achieving urban resilience

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Use of soft computing techniques for tunneling optimization of tunnel boring machines

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Long rectangular box jacking project: A case study

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Intelligent rockburst prediction model with sample category balance using feedforward neural network and Bayesian optimization

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Design equation for stability of a circular tunnel in anisotropic and heterogeneous clay

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State of the art review of the large deformation rock bolts

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Significance and methodology: Preprocessing the big data for machine learning on TBM performance

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An improved artificial bee colony-random forest (IABC-RF) model for predicting the tunnel deformation due to an adjacent foundation pit excavation

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Attention-based LSTM predictive model for the attitude and position of shield machine in tunneling

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Numerical simulation and analysis of the pile underpinning technology used in shield tunnel crossings on bridge pile foundations

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