Pore structure characterization and its significance for gas adsorption in coals: A comprehensive review
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 139-157
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Reservoir characteristics and gas production potential of deep coalbed methane: Insights from the no. 15 coal seam in shouyang block, Qinshui Basin, China
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 12-20
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Geology still matters – Unconventional petroleum system disappointments and failures
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 18-38
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Permeability prediction in tight gas reservoirs based on pore structure characteristics: A case study from South Western Iran
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 9-17
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Improved total organic carbon convolutional neural network model based on mineralogy and geophysical well log data
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 1-8
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Microscopic pore structure characteristics of tight limestone reservoirs: New insights from Section 1 of the Permian Maokou Formation, Southeastern Sichuan Basin, China
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 31-40
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Analyzing major controlling factors of shale oil 'sweet spots' in the Chang-7 member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 51-59
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Status and perspectives on CCUS clusters and hubs
Volume 4, Issue , January 2024, Page
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Dissolution and sedimentation patterns of typical minerals in artificial reservoirs under different environments
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 60-71
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Joint interpretation technology of favorable HDR geothermal resource exploration in Northern Songliao Basin
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 133-138
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Numerical simulation of heat recovery potential of hot dry rock under alternate temperature loading
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 170-182
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Overview of hydrogen storage and transportation technology in China
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 291-296
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Comprehensive characterization and evaluation of deep shales from Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation by LF-NMR technology
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 1-11
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Geological characteristics and resources potential of shale oil in Chang 7 Member of Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in Fuxian area, southern Ordos Basin, western China
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 237-247
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Methods for identifying complex lithologies from log data based on machine learning
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 20-29
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Shale lithology identification using stacking model combined with SMOTE from well logs
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 108-115
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Photovoltaic mini-grid incorporation: The panacea for electricity crisis in sub-Saharan Africa
Volume 4, Issue , January 2024, Page
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Source rock and reservoir qualities of middle Jurassic Lianggaoshan lacustrine shale at fuxing area, Sichuan Basin: Implication for shale-oil enrichment
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 37-43
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Water-methane interactions in coal: Insights from molecular simulation
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 113-122
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Genesis and energy significance of natural hydrogen
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 176-182
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Response time of waterflooding in low-permeability reservoirs
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 85-90
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Prospect evaluation of CO2 sequestration in coal beds of Anambra Basin, Nigeria
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 248-263
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Diagenesis of tight sandstone and its influence on reservoir properties: A case study of Fuyu reservoirs in Songliao Basin, China
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 84-92
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Application of molecular simulation in coalbed methane reservoirs: A systematic review
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 124-132
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Identification of lithofacies and prediction of mineral composition in shales – A case study of the Shahejie Formation in the Bozhong Sag
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 72-84
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