Special Issue on Supramolecular Polymer Materials
Published 27 September, 2024
The special issue presents major advances in the field of supramolecular polymers that exhibit specific functions and applications.
Topics covered:
- Biomedical supramolecular polymers with therapeutic, drug delivering, drug formulation, antidotes, self-healing, biosensing and bioimaging functions.
- Photoelectric supramolecular polymers for improved energy and information processing performance.
- Environmental supramolecular polymers for pollutant detection and water processing.
- Supramolecular polymers for recyclable and sustainable use.
- Smart supramolecular polymers that exhibit enhanced or stimuli-responsive properties for specific purposes.
- Supramolecular polymers prepared from natural resources.
- Supramolecular polymers for promoting chemical transformations.
- Supramolecular polymer gels with specific functions.
Important Deadlines:
Submission deadline: September 30, 2025.
Submission Instructions:
Please read the [Guide for Authors] before submitting. All articles should be [submitted online], please select [VSI: Supramolecular Polymer Materials] on submission.
Guest Editors:
Prof. Zhan-Ting Li
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Email: ztli@mail.sioc.ac.cn
Prof. Chuan-Feng Chen
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Email: cchen@iccas.ac.cn