Smart Materials in Medicine

Open access

ISSN: 2590-1834

Smart Materials in Medicine

Open access

Smart materials, conventionally referred to as intelligent or responsive materials, are substances capable of changing one or more of their properties when exposed to external or internal stimuli or d...

Smart materials, conventionally referred to as intelligent or responsive materials, are substances capable of changing one or more of their properties when exposed to external or internal stimuli or different environments. These stimuli may include variations in stress, temperature, moisture, pH levels, electric or magnetic fields, light, or specific chemicals, among others. Following this fast-growing and interdisciplinary field, the concepts of ‘smart’ and ‘material’ have been largely extended to a much broader scope. Consequently, we also define “SMART” as “Smart Medicines And Regenerative Therapeutics.”

Smart Materials in Medicine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that focuses on all aspects of our broadly defined Smart materials and their derivatives, degradation products, or metabolites, with applications in biotechnology, medicine, and healthcare. It is an interdisciplinary journal, the home of choice for best-in-class Smart materials for biomedical applications, particularly in the following categories:

• Intelligent or responsive materials for biomedical uses.

• Smart Medicines And Regenerative Therapeutics (SMART).

We welcome research papers, reviews, and perspectives that showcase original scientific and engineering discoveries related to the design, fabrication, processing, evaluation, and application of Smart materials, as well as their derivatives, degradation products, or metabolites. We also encourage contributions that advance our understanding by detailing the principles, philosophies, and strategies used in Smart material sciences and engineering. Examples of Smart materials covered by this journal include, but are not limited to:

• Materials, substances, or molecules responsive to external or internal stimuli.

• Materials, substances, or molecules with controlled degradation.

• Bioactive or bioresorbable materials, substances, or molecules.

• Bioactive and regenerative therapeutic materials, substances, or molecules.

• Self-healing materials, substances, or molecules.

• Shape-memory materials, substances, or molecules.

• Catalytic materials, substances, or molecules.

• Smart material derivatives, degradation products, or metabolites.

• Molecular, supramolecular, nano/micro-materials.

• Electrically conductive and mechano-sensitive materials.

• Physiomimetic, biomimetic materials, and artificial cells.

• Tools, devices, or technologies involving Smart materials.

Editorial Board

Soft bioelectronics for the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases

Nanoparticles, a promising treatment for gastric cancer

Bright antimicrobial surfaces based on Schottky interfaces: From light illumination to bacterial charging

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1. Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for cancer therapy

2. Recent progress of 3D printed vascularized tissues and organs

3. Function and treatment strategies of β-hydroxybutyrate in aging

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Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for cancer therapy

Inorganic nano-carriers based smart drug delivery systems for tumor therapy

Recent advances in hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels for 3D bioprinting in tissue engineering applications

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Call for Papers

Special Issue on intelligence-responsive biomaterials and tumor theranostics

Submission deadline: 31 December 2025

Special issue: Smart polymeric materials for biomedical applications

Submission deadline: 30 June, 2025

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Smart Materials in Medicine CiteScore 2023 Announced: 14

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