2024 International Symposium on Emerging Risks and Quantitative Management
Published 21 June, 2024
August 23-25, 2024 | Shenzhen, China
Frontiers of Quantitative Technologies and Emerging Risks
Call for Papers
Emerging risks encompass new risks arising in uncharted areas and traditional risks evolving in unfamiliar contexts, characterized by their recent emergence and inherent uncertainty. In recent years, traditional risks have continuously evolved, exemplified by major natural disasters and the risks associated with the development of emerging technologies. This evolution underscores the urgent need for quantitative management methods and tools, making research in this area critically important.
To bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of emerging risks and (new) quantitative management, the Department of Mathematics in the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), together with the journal Risk Sciences will jointly hold the first term of the "X and Quantitative Management" series. The conference, named as "2024 International Symposium on Emerging Risks and Quantitative Management", will be held on August 23-25, 2024 at the Department of Mathematics of SUSTech in Shenzhen. The symposium will gather leading experts and scholars in risk management, actuarial science, and financial mathematics from around the globe. Its aim is to delve into theoretical research and practical applications in various areas.
We invite submission of theoretical and empirical papers on the Frontiers of Quantitative Technologies and Emerging Risks, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Risk sharing
- Optimal (re)insurance
- Behavior (re)insurance
- Climate risk modeling
- Cyber risks
- Cyber insurance
- Catastrophe risk modeling
- Catastrophe insurance
- Insurance economics
- Decentralized insurance
- P2P insurance
- Blockchain technology and Insurtech
- Optimal investment and reinsurance
- Pension managementand risk sharing
- Insurance design and game theory
- Digital insurance and risk sharing
All papers should be submitted directly to Risk Sciences via its submission portal , please select [X and Quantitative Management] on submission.
If authors wish to present at the Symposium, please select “Yes” in the questionnaire “Do you wish to present at the 2024 International Symposium on Emerging Risks and Quantitative Management?” on the submission panel.
All manuscripts shall go through the same peer-review process and be subject to the same journal standards. Conference organizers shall review all submitted papers and invitations for presentation at the symposium will be sent to corresponding authors of outstanding papers.
The submission deadline is August 15, 2025.
Prof. Yiying Zhang, Prof. Pingping Zeng, Prof. Jie Xiong
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Southern University of Science and Technology, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
E-Mails: zhangyy3@sustech.edu.cn, zengpp@sustech.edu.cn, xiongj@sustech.edu.cn