Exploring spatio-temporal heterogeneity and inter-domain ecological networks of biological community in a marine ranching habitat: Implications for fishery resources conservation
June 2025
Habitat changes in marine ranching can cause variations in biological resources and community structure. However, the complex inter-domain ecological network (IDEN) in this particular habitat are not...
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The expression of liver–gonadal axis genes reveals the long–term effects of exogenous estradiol on gonad development and liver function in GIFT tilapia
June 2025
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of exogenous estradiol on the expression of the liver–gonadal axis gene in GIFT tilapia. Larval fish (5 dph) were fed a diet with 100 mg kg−1 17α–ethynylestradiol...
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Quantitative proteomic analysis revealed the protein expression characteristics of primary follicle subtypes in zebrafish
June 2025
Follicles are the basic structure and functional unit of ovaries. In the previous study, we classified primary follicles (PFs) of zebrafish into four subtypes, compared the DNA methylation and RNA expression...
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Masculinization? Rare variation in canine length among female water deer (Hydropotes inermis) can lead to errors in sex identification
March 2025
Most cervids feature antlers for mate competition, but water deer possess uniquely elongated maxillary canines instead. This study examined the presence of elongated canines, a trait usually seen in...
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Genetic and cytogenetic analysis of Moringa oleifera short and long capsule phenotypes
March 2025
Cytogenetic and molecular studies hold significant importance in plant breeding programs. In the case of moringa, such studies are scarce. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine...
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Construction of an integrated linkage map of sugarcane using unigene-derived microsatellite (SSR) markers
March 2025
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is one of the key agro-industrial crops that produce raw sugar and bio-fuel ethanol, which contributes to sustainable national economy, food and nutritional security...
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Widening the tool set for breeding superior banana cultivars. Can new techniques of pollen handling and pollination help overcome the lack of recombinant seed in banana breeding?
March 2025
Pollen tube growth (PTG) monitoring was applied to florets of domesticated bananas and plantains. Observations were made in UV microscopy after Aniline Blue staining specific for callose, a carbohydrate...
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Fabrication and characterization of single-wall carbon nanotube and its biocompatibility to human hepatocytes
March 2025
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have emerged as promising nanocarriers for targeted cancer drug delivery due to their unique structural properties. However, their cytotoxicity remains a significant...
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Highly efficient disruption of tyrb gene using CRISPR/Cas9 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidella)
March 2025
Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is the most important economic freshwater fish species in China. The stable production of high-quality grass carp depends significantly on excellent germplasm. In...
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Cloning, expression, and localization of Tekt1 in sterile allotriploid crucian carp
March 2025
Tektins (TEKTs) are constitutive proteins of microtubules associated with flagella, cilia, basal bodies, and centrioles. As one of the testis-specific candidate markers, Tekt1, the first identified...
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Transcriptomic profiling reveals the mechanism of fast growth of an allodiploid hybrid fish
March 2025
Distant hybridization is an important technique and widely used in fish genetic breeding. In previous research, we obtained the allodiploid hybrid (BR, 2n = 49) derived from the inter-subfamily hybridization...
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Impact of photoperiod and temperature on melatonin, growth hormone, estradiol, and vitellogenin levels in female African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) reproduction cycle
March 2025
This study aimed to investigate the hormone levels of melatonin (Mel), estradiol (E2), vitellogenin (VTG), and growth hormone (GH) in inducing reproduction cycles in female African catfish, Clarias...
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Therapeutic potential of carnitine and N-Acetyl-Cysteine supplementation on sperm parameters and pregnancy outcomes in idiopathic male infertility: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials
March 2025
This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the impact of L-carnitine (LC), L-acetyl-carnitine (LAC), and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) on sperm parameters and pregnancy outcomes in men with...
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Population genetic characteristics of two crucian carp varieties derived from distant hybridization
December 2024
The Hefang crucian carp (HFJ) derived from Carassius cuvieri (♀) × C. auratus red var. (♂) and the crucian carp-like homodiploid fish (NCRC) derived from Cyprinus carpio (♀) × Megalobrama amblycephala...
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Multivariate analysis and image-based phenotyping of cayenne fruit traits in selection and diversity mapping of multiple F1 cross lines
December 2024
The phenomenon of fluctuating chili prices can be resolved in stages, one of which is through multiple crosses. However, this cross requires precise methods in the evaluation and selection process,...
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Genetic performance, heritability, and correlation of traits in new plant type of rice lines for highland ecosystem
December 2024
Rice cultivation is crucial in providing global food needs, particularly in highland areas with distinct environmental conditions. Adapting promising rice lines suitable for highland ecosystems is essential...
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Identification of key genes affecting development and nutrient metabolism in the early seedling stage of Dongting catfish (Silurus asotus)
December 2024
As a carnivorous fish, the cannibalism are prone to happen in the early seedling stage in Dongting catfish (Silurus asotus), especailly when there is not enough food, which resulting in the low survival...
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Innovation of carp germplasm and its research progress
December 2024
The artificial breeding of carp existed in China 8000 years ago. The breeding of carp played an important role in ancient Chinese history, and it still played a crucial role in modern aquaculture. The...
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The expression and function of gpr54a and gpr54b in allotriploid crucian carp and diploid red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var.)
December 2024
The kisspeptin receptor (GPR54), a member of the G-protein-coupled receptors, plays a central role in regulating reproduction. However, research on GPR54 in allotriploid fish remains limited. In this...
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Study on sperm cryopreservation of hybrid fish derived from Carassius cuvieri (♀) × Carassius auratus red var (♂)
December 2024
Cryopreservation of sperm is an effective method for conserving germplasm resources in fish genetic breeding. The high-quality hybrid fish (WR) derived from white crucian carp (Carassius cuvieri, WCC,...
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Indigenous cattle biodiversity in India: Adaptation and conservation
December 2024
Indigenous breeds of cattle are suitable for varying climatic conditions of the tropical environment by virtue of a series of species-specific traits and adaptive strategies. Such traits and adaptive...
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Progress on stress resistance breeding in fish
December 2024
With the continuing development of the aquaculture industry, the stress associated with many environmental factors has severely restricted the growth of fish, reduced fish resistance to disease, and...
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Semen characteristics, freezability, and application of motility-based protein markers (proAKAP4) in assessing the suitability of superior Bali bulls (Bos sondaicus) at the Regional AI Center
December 2024
The use of molecular markers in selecting superior bulls, including Bali bulls, for the AI program will significantly increase reproductive efficiency and affect the economic aspects of several countries,...
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Study on mate choice in animals
September 2024
Sexual selection is critical to animal reproduction. Mate choice not only determines an individual's capacity for reproduction but is also the primary mode of selection in sexual selection. Mate choice...
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Improvement and application of genetic resources of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
September 2024
Grass carp was an important economic fish for freshwater aquaculture. The exploring and utilization of high-quality grass carp germplasm resources were important for ensuring a domestic supply of high-quality...
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