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Open access

ISSN: 2532-2044

Using observation to better understand the healthcare context

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Exploring rural palliative care patients’ experiences of accessing psychosocial support through telehealth: A longitudinal approach

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It’s long-term, well it’s for life basically: Understanding and exploring the burden of immunoglobulin treatment in patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders

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Openness and topic avoidance in interpersonal communication about ovarian cancer: An uncertainty management perspective

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Views from the trenches: California family physicians’ challenges and resilience factors while providing patient care during the initial wave of COVID-19

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Near-death experiences and the change of worldview in survivors of sudden cardiac arrest: A phenomenological and hermeneutical study

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Trauma, violence and recovery in the life stories of people who have injected drugs

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“It’s real. It’s a thing:” Mental health counselors’ listening exhaustion during COVID-19

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Using an Adapted Case Study Approach to Understand Rural Veteran Experiences in Patient Engagement and Patient-Centered Care Research

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The ticking time-bomb. Health literacy in the context of genetic risk prediction in familial breast-ovarian cancer; A qualitative study

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Parents living with a child afflicted by a life-limiting medical condition: Typology of their narrative identity

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The Discursive Struggles of the Client–Worker Relationship in the Social Services

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Operating in the margins: Women’s lived experience of training and working in orthopaedic surgery in South Africa

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An evaluation of staff experiences of the Royal Literary Fund writer-in-residence service to support improvements in written communication in healthcare

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Drinking as routine practice among re-integrating National Guard and Reservists from Arkansas

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Screen time, mute, mixed messages, and panic: An international auto-ethnographic study of knowledge workers during a pandemic

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Examination of provider knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors associated with lung cancer screening among Black men receiving care at a federally qualified health center

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Establishing a medical home for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: a qualitative study

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COVID-19: A learning moment for patients and health professionals

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