Propulsion and Power Research is Recruiting Youth Editorial Board Members Worldwide
Published 16 January, 2024
Propulsion and Power Research (PPR) is now recruiting Youth Editorial Board Members from around the world. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to become a part of this platform for communication and development!
About the Journal
PPR is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed journal published quarterly since its launch in 2012. The journal features high-quality original research articles and general reviews in fundamental research aspects of aeronautics/astronautics propulsion and power engineering. These include but are not limited to topics such as systems, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, combustion, vibration and acoustics, solid mechanics and dynamics, and control. The journal serves as a platform for academic exchange by experts, scholars, and researchers in these fields.

Qualifications for YEBMs
- Aeronautics/astronautics propulsion and power engineering professionals;
- Have published more than 10 papers in prestigious journals in the field as the first author or corresponding author;
- Willing to engage in journal service; and
- Under the age of 45.
Duties of YEBMs
- Contributing or inviting at least one high-quality manuscript each year;
- Citing PPR publications in your research actively and rationally;
- Participating in peer review and organizing cutting-edge special issues; and
- Promoting PPR regionally and internationally;
- Participating or co-hosting PPR activities.
Rights of YEBMs
- Certificate of a 5-year term appointment awarded;
- Publication priority for outstanding articles upon acceptance;
- Priority waiver of article processing charge; and
- Excellence award for outstanding contributors.
How to apply?
1) Please fill out the application form;
2) A CV of the applicant is required;
3) The application package should be sent to the editorial office ( with the email subject "PPR YEBM Application+Name+Research Area". The deadline for the application is 29th February 2024.
Propulsion and Power Research looks forward to receiving your application.