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Open access

ISSN: 2096-2495
CN: 10-1439/TE
e-ISSN: 2524-1729

Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in oil and gas industry

Oil and gas industries are facing several challenges and issues in data processing and handling. Large amount of data bank is generated with various techniques and processes. The proper technical analysis...

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A review on oilfield produced water and its treatment technologies

Owing to the soaring urge to meet the demand for oil and gas on different frontiers, its exploration all over the world is of paramount importance. Exploration and production of oil calls for handling...

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Fundamentals and developments of compressed biogas in city gas distribution network in India: A review

Biogas is a significant renewable source as well as an alternative energy carrier provided by Anaerobic Digestion (AD) of biodegradable food wastes and other organic materials. This paper describes...

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Applications of nanoparticles in enhanced oil recovery

Nanoparticles serve various purposes in the hydrocarbon industry which are utilized to improve the volume of oil and gas production. Nanomaterials are used in petroleum applications as nanoparticles,...

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Formation, stabilization and chemical demulsification of crude oil-in-water emulsions: A review

The crude oil recovery process is frequently associated with the formation of stable emulsions due to factors such as turbulent flow in pipelines and the presence of surface-active substances that naturally...

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CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery: Analyzing the effect of injection rate and bottom hole pressure

The goal of net-zero carbon emissions has led to widespread interest in lowering carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. At the same time, the oil and gas industry seeks to enhance oil recovery (EOR) techniques...

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Review of application of artificial intelligence techniques in petroleum operations

In the last few years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques have received considerable notice as trending technologies in the petroleum industry. The utilization...

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A review on the rheology of heavy crude oil for pipeline transportation

Given the combination of rising global energy demand and the decline in conventional crudes, heavy crudes are generally considered to be the future energy resource. In many regions of the world, heavy...

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Diverting agents in the oil and gas industry: A comprehensive analysis of their origins, types, and applications

During the life of a well, treatments are carried out to boost productivity by stimulating initially unproduced zones. These treatments include hydraulic fracturing, matrix acidization, and acid fracturing,...

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Sand production control mechanisms during oil well production and construction

Sand production is considered as one of the significant production issues that significantly reduce wellbore productivity. The process of sand or solids production in production operations is one of...

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Flow assurance methods for transporting heavy and waxy crude oils via pipelines without chemical additive intervention

Most of the unconventional fossil fuel reserves consist of heavy crude oil. Crude oil is transported through pipelines, land, and cargo tankers. It loses its ability to flow below its pour point. Therefore,...

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Artificial intelligence: New age of transformation in petroleum upstream

In the Oil and Gas industry, the implementation of artificial intelligence techniques gives advantages of better use of existing infrastructure. It provides better future outcomes, which makes it an...

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Optimization of gas lift system for well performance improvement in Asmari formation: A techno-economic perspective

Well productivity in the Asmari carbonate formation of southwest Iran has decreased in recent years as a result of production issues. The production rate must be maintained below 1500 STB/day to prevent...

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High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Ponta do Mel Formation, Potiguar Basin, Brazil: Insights into shallow-marine carbonate reservoir zonation and characterisation

This comprehensive study establishes a novel high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework for a shallow, warm, land-tied carbonate-rimmed shelf represented by the Ponta do Mel Formation. Integration...

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High resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Mishrif Formation (Cenomanian-Early Turonian) at zubair oilfield (al-rafdhiah dome), southern Iraq

The Mishrif Formation (Cenomanian -E Turonian) is one of the most important geological formations in the Middle East and Iraq because it contains enormous petroleum accumulations. It is considered to...

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Basic characteristics and evaluation of shale oil reservoirs

Shale oil refers to liquid hydrocarbons existing in free, dissolved or adsorbed states in the effective source rock of mudstones or shales, where some residual oil is retained after hydrocarbon generation...

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Influence of wellhead pressure and water cut in the optimization of oil production from gas lifted wells

The worldwide increase in energy demand necessitates the development and optimization of marginal oil fields for sustenance. In this regard, effective and economic production of fluids are heavily relied...

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Development of bismuth-based solutions for well plugging and abandonment: A review

Plugging and abandonment (P&A) is a crucial step of the well life cycle. Regardless of how long one stretches the productive life of a well, P&A operations will have to be carried out eventually. The...

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Applications of silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in enhanced oil recovery: Promises and challenges

The Surface engineering of nanoparticles has contributed to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology by designing of new material depends on their surface modifier with series of functional...

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Three systems of the oil and gas formation in the world

Crude oil and natural gas are generated by organic matters in rocks in sedimentary basins. After incisive and systematic research on global petroliferous basins, it is realized that the distribution...

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Nanoparticles stabilized foam fluid for hydraulic fracturing application of unconventional gas reservoirs: A review of the properties, progress and future prospects

Nanoparticles stabilized foam fracturing fluid is an emerging technology in the field of hydraulic fracturing for the unconventional reservoirs. Hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, is...

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Plasma Pulse Technology: An uprising EOR technique

Conventionally oil recovery factor is too low, which leaves great prospects for the application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods to increase recovery factor. EOR methods are capital intensive...

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Gas enhanced oil recovery methods for offshore oilfields: Features, implementation, operational status

Nowadays, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods have been evaluated both for onshore and offshore oilfields. However, the conditions for using EOR methods in offshore fields are more complex due to the...

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The role of hydrocyclone and induced gas flotation technologies in offshore produced water deoiling advancements

Produced water, a byproduct of oil and gas extraction, presents significant environmental challenges if not properly treated. This review focuses on advancements in two primary offshore deoiling technologies,...

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A review on the mechanisms of low salinity water/surfactant/nanoparticles and the potential synergistic application for c-EOR

Chemical enhanced oil recovery (c-EOR) is a conventional and promising strategy to recover oil from reservoir techniques such as low salinity water flooding (LSWF), surfactant flooding, alkaline flooding,...

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