Petroleum Research
Petroleum Research
Petroleum Research is an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Petroleum Society and Petroleum Industry Press Co., LTD. This quarterly journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific pa...
Petroleum Research is an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Petroleum Society and Petroleum Industry Press Co., LTD. This quarterly journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific papers on basic and applied studies in petroleum science and technology.
The scope covers the fields of petroleum (especially unconventional oil and gas, including shale oil and gas, tight oil and gas, coal bed methane, natural gas hydrate) exploration, development, and engineering in the upstream petroleum industry, including petroleum geology, reservoir engineering, oil and gas production engineering, drilling engineering, oil and gas storage and transportation engineering, petroleum machinery, and resource evaluation and prediction, etc. In particular, Petroleum Research primarily focuses on enhanced oil recovery, application of artificial intelligence, material science, and big data application, etc. Petroleum Research also focuses on economical, safety and environmental protection issue related to the upstream petroleum industry, as well as carbon capture, utilization and sequestration, new energy science and engineering interdiscipline.

Society affiliation
Founded in 1978, the Chinese Petroleum Society (CPS) is the non-profit, academic, social organisation of scientific and technological professionals in the upstream petroleum industry in China. CPS serves over 640,000 members, and has 23 branches, specialised committees and working committees. CNPC, SINOPEC, CNOOC and PipeChina are the main sponsors...
Founded in 1978, the Chinese Petroleum Society (CPS) is the non-profit, academic, social organisation of scientific and technological professionals in the upstream petroleum industry in China. CPS serves over 640,000 members, and has 23 branches, specialised committees and working committees. CNPC, SINOPEC, CNOOC and PipeChina are the main sponsors and supporters of CPS. Since its inauguration, CPS has established relationships and collaborations with international academic organisations, such as SPE, SPWLA, SEG, NACE and AAPG, as well as national petroleum societies in countries such as the US, Russia, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Sudan. It has also jointly held many international academic conferences and exhibitions with these partners. To promote the development of the upstream petroleum industry, CPS provides each year:
- Comprehensive and professional academic and technical exchanges
- Public education to popularise science
- Editing and publishing of academic journals
- A technical consulting service
- Science and technology personnel training and recommendations
Together, these international and domestic activities make great contributions to the progress of petroleum science and technology in China and the world.
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