Open Access

Oil Crop Science is a peer reviewed open access journal. To provide open access, this journal has an open access fee (also known as an article publishing charge APC) which needs to be paid by the authors or on their behalf e.g. by their research funder or institution. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for this journal is USD 800, excluding taxes. For all papers submitted before the 31st of December 2024, the article publication charge will be waived making it free to submit to the journal.

Authors who require more information, please contact the editorial office (E-mail: after submitting manuscript.

Peer review under the responsibility of Oil Crops Research Institute (OCRI), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (OCRI-CAAS).

Access Rights
All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute.

User Rights
Permitted third party reuse is defined by the following user license(s):

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND):
Allows users to copy and distribute the Article, provided this is not done for commercial purposes and further does not permit distribution of the Article if it is changed or edited in any way, and provided the user gives appropriate credit (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI), provides a link to the license, and that the licensor is not represented as endorsing the use made of the work. The full details of the license are available at

Author Rights
For open access publishing, this journal uses a copyright transfer agreement. Authors will transfer copyright to Oil Crops Research Institute (OCRI), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (OCRI-CAAS), but will have the right to share their article in the same ways permitted to third parties under the relevant user license, as well as certain scholarly usage rights.

Learn More about:

  1. Publishing open access with Elsevier
  2. Open access license policy
  3. Copyright
  4. Policies

Publishing Schedule

This journal is published four times a year.

Contact Details

Ms. Lifang Wang
Phone: +86-27-86728520
Address: Editorial office of OIL CROP SCIENCE, No.2 Xudong 2nd Road, Wuhan, 430062, P.R. China.

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