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ISSN: 2773-1839

Radiation target: Moving from theory to practice

Radiation target theory refers to that ionizing radiation hits specific molecules or organellaes in cells, resulting in structural damage, gene mutation, chromosome breakage and other target effects...

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Review: Pair distribution functions from neutron total scattering for the study of local structure in disordered materials

With the development of pulsed spallation sources of neutrons in recent years has come the possibility to generate intense beams of higher energy than possible at reactor sources. This has enabled neutron...

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Strategic analysis for advancing Morocco's nuclear infrastructure using PESTELE framework

Morocco's exploration of nuclear energy aligns with both climate goals and national energy ambitions, offering a promising low-carbon alternative to conventional fossil fuels. Despite the nation's significant...

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Exploring the impact of anode material on X-ray photon fluence and characteristics: A Monte Carlo simulation study

This study investigates the critical significance of anode material selection in defining the energy spectrum and properties of X-ray photons in medical physics applications. Using the GATE platform...

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Feasibility of producing 225Ac via thermal neutron irradiation of 226Ra: A systematic theoretical study

With a suitable half-life and abundant radiolabeling strategy, 225Ac has become one of the most promising radionuclides in the area of targeted alpha therapy. However, limited radionuclide supply is...

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A comparative analysis of the NaI detector response function using GAMOS and FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations

This work aims to study the response function of a 2″×2″ NaI(Tl) scintillation detector using Monte Carlo simulations. A precise mathematical model of the NaI(Tl) scintillator was developed using both...

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A systematic study on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology (CMOS) and Internet of Things (IOT) for radioactive leakage detection in nuclear plant

Although nuclear power plants produce about 20% of India's power, the risk posed by radioactive leakage is considerable. Radiation leakage detection devices must be installed in all nuclear power plants...

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Mechanism study of bubble dynamics under the buoyancy effects

The motion of a single bubble in a 2-D vertical channel filled with stagnant or moving fluid is simulated for various sets of conditions using the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) method. The volume...

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Gold nanoparticle effect on dose and DNA damage enhancement in the vicinity of gold nanoparticles

This study uses Monte Carlo simulations to examine the dose enhancement effect of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in radiation therapy and its effects on DNA damage. Using the GATE- 9.0 and Geant4-DNA packages,...

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Design of emergency solar energy system adjacent the nuclear power plant to prevent nuclear accidents and increase safety

Providing sufficient energy in emergency situations in nuclear power plants is of great importance due to their crucial role in improving power plant safety and eliminating disasters....

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Optimizing neutron shielding: A specialised container approach for Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources and orphan neutron emitters

Shielding Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRSs) and orphan neutron sources, such as 252Cf, pose challenges due to the high penetration of neutrons, induced radioactivity in shielding materials,...

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Evaluation of Potassium-40 and Uranium-238 activities and radiological risk in Missour, Morocco soils using gamma spectrometry

The objective of this study is to assess natural activity in soil to estimate potential radiological risks for the population. Given that soil is inherently radioactive and can reach hazardous levels,...

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Use GIS Technical to map Natural Radioactivity in Soil Samples for the University of Kufa, Iraq

GIS "Geographic Information System" technology was used to map the specific activity (S.A.) of primordial radionuclides 238U, 232Th, and 40K in selected soil samples for twelve locations at the University...

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Electrodeposition of actinides: Optimization of deposition parameters by chronoamperometric studies

To quantify alpha-emitting radionuclides by alpha spectrometry, it is necessary to prepare a thin and uniform alpha source on a suitable substrate. Electrodeposition is the most used electrochemical...

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Determination of 58Fe/54Fe isotope ratios in Chang’E-5 lunar regolith by instrumental neutron activation analysis

Traditionally, the determination of isotope ratios is analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS) method, which is usually destructive to sample (i.e., sample dissolution). Furthermore, the 58Fe abundance (0.282%)...

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Assessment of metal contamination in sediment of Kerala Coast, India using EDXRF technique and Multivariate Statistical method

The current study focused on the distribution of heavy metals in sediments from coastline of Kerala, India using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. The concentration of V, Cr, Mn,...

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Review: Current progresses of small-angle neutron scattering on soft-matters investigation

A review of the recent works on soft-matters based on small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is presented. This Review is intended to be a relatively comprehensive source for applying SANS on soft-matters...

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Progress on nuclear analysis techniques

The nuclear analysis has been of important significance in the field of nuclear science and technology. The developing trends and some frontier topic of nuclear analysis techniques as well as their...

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Assessment of radiation shielding properties for some concrete mixtures against photon and neutron radiations

This study evaluates fifteen concrete formulations, including standard and hybrid types such as Barite, Iron-Limonite, and Luminite-Colemanite-Barite, to determine their effectiveness in shielding against...

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Investigation of photon interaction parameters in Human Body Tissues using GAMOS, FLUKA, and XCOM Studies

This study aims to evaluate different photon interaction parameters of human body organs at nine photon energies (0.021 keV–1.25 MeV) using GAMOS and FLUKA Monte Carlo codes. The Mass attenuation coefficients,...

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New single-toroidal sintered diamond anvil and assembly for high pressure neutron diffraction

In-situ high pressure neutron diffraction experiments, which require a large volume samples, remain challenging, particularly when generating simultaneous high pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions....

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Simulating the impact of electron beam energy deposition on lead target temperature

This study delves into the thermal dynamics induced by an electron beam sourced from the CIRCE III accelerator, focusing on a lead target previously employed at the National Centre for Nuclear Science...

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Measurement of natural radioactivity and assessment of radiological hazard indices in soil from Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India with statistical approach

The activity concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides 238U, 232Th, and 40K were determined in 31 soil samples collected from the Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu using grid sampling method....

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Major and trace elements determination in organic and conventional Moroccan vegetables using the k0-standardisation method of neutron activation analysis

The aim of the present work is the determination of different essential (minor and trace) elements found in five Moroccan vegetables collected from large commercial markets in Kenitra city, Morocco,...

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XPS determination of the uranium valences in U3O8

Uranium oxides are tightly related to the whole nuclear fuel cycle in the nuclear industry. However, the understanding of the chemical states in mixed valence uranium oxides remains scattered and deserves...

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