Earthquake-induced landslides susceptibility assessment: A review of the state-of-the-art
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2022, Pages 172-182
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Flood susceptibility zonation using advanced ensemble machine learning models within Himalayan foreland basin
Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 363-374
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Bibliometric analysis of landslide research based on the WOS database
Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 49-61
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Coulomb stress changes associated with the M7.3 Maduo earthquake and implications for seismic hazards
Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 95-101
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GIS-based machine learning algorithm for flood susceptibility analysis in the Pagla river basin, Eastern India
Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 420-436
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AutoGluon: A revolutionary framework for landslide hazard analysis
Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 103-108
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Climate change, multi-hazards and society: An empirical study on the coastal community of Indian Sundarban
Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 84-96
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Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of forest fires: A call for multilateral cooperation and management interventions
Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2023, Pages 286-294
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Floods in Pakistan: A state-of-the-art review
Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 359-373
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Sentinel-1 SAR-Based coseismic deformation monitoring service for rapid geodetic imaging of global earthquakes
Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 11-19
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Natural Hazards Research: An eternal subject of human survival and development
Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 1-3
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Evaluating a new method of remote sensing for flood mapping in the urban and peri-urban areas: Applied to Addis Ababa and the Akaki catchment in Ethiopia
Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 97-110
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Estimation of earthquake vulnerability by using analytical hierarchy process
Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 153-160
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UAV technique to localize landslide susceptibility and mitigation proposal: A case of Rinchending Goenpa landslide in Bhutan
Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 171-186
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GIS – based flood susceptibility mapping using frequency ratio and information value models in upper Abay river basin, Ethiopia
Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2023, Pages 247-256
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Object detection in high resolution optical image based on deep learning technique
Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 384-392
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A review of socio-economic vulnerability: The emergence of its theoretical concepts, models and methodologies
Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 563-571
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Electro-agric, a novel environmental engineering perspective to overcome the global water crisis via marginal water reuse
Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 202-226
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Monitoring of the Fire in Muli County on March 28, 2020, based on high temporal-spatial resolution remote sensing techniques
Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 20-31
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Large-scale landslide inventory and their mobility in Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, China
Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 111-120
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Large-scale landslides around the reservoir area of Baihetan hydropower station in Southwest China: Analysis of the spatial distribution
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2022, Pages 218-229
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Application of ChatGPT in natural disaster prevention and reduction
Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 556-562
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MAT.TRIGRS (V1.0): A new open-source tool for predicting spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall-induced landslides
Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 161-170
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Study on forest fire danger prediction in plateau mountainous forest area
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2022, Pages 25-32
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Glacier bursts-triggered debris flow and flash flood in Rishi and Dhauli Ganga valleys: A study on its causes and consequences
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2022, Pages 33-40
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