Special issue on porous structures and flow processes characterisation of gas reservoirs
Published 15 November, 2021
Gas shows various flow characteristics in multi-scale porous structures, which are the reservoir spaces and seepage channels for oil and gas. This special issue presents advances made in the field of new methods and technologies to characterise pore structures and gas flow processes of the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical (THMC) coupling effect in various natural gas reservoirs.
Topics covered:
- Image-based methods or technologies for characterising the porous structures
- Porous structure characterisation based on machine learning technology
- New methods and technologies for numerical simulation of gas flow processes
- New methods and technologies for experimental determination of gas flow processes
- Integration of multiple methods to study the porous structure
- Integration of multiple methods to study the gas flow process
- THMC coupling processes during gas extraction
- Geotechnical responses during gas flow within the reservoirs
- New methods for enhancing gas productivity and safety
Important deadlines:
- Submissions open: 1 December 2021
- Submissions close: 31 July 2022
Submission instructions:
Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted through online; please select “SI: InterPore2022” on submission. All submissions will undergo a normal peer-review process. If the manuscript is accepted, the article will be published open access with no fee payable by the author.
Managing guest editor:
- Wendong Wang, China University of Petroleum (East China), China. Email: wwdong@upc.edu.cn
Guest editors:
- Dr. Sina R. Gomari, Teesside University, Energy and Environmental Engineering, UK. Email: S.Rezaei-Gomari@tees.ac.uk
- Dr. Shuheng Du, Institute of Mechanics, CAS, China. Email: dushuheng@imech.ac.cn
- Dr. Yu Peng, Southwest Petroleum University, China. Email: pengyu_frac@foxmail.com
- Dr. Yanlong Li, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China. Email: ylli@qnlm.ac