Medicine Plus
Medicine Plus
Medicine Plus is an open-access, peer-reviewed general medical journal. We publish innovative, forward-looking, and influential research results, authoritative reviews, expert consensuses, and insight...
Medicine Plus is an open-access, peer-reviewed general medical journal. We publish innovative, forward-looking, and influential research results, authoritative reviews, expert consensuses, and insightful perspectives and commentaries in broad medical science and technology fields.
Medicine Plus aims to build a global communication platform for researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the field of health promotion. We are committed to disseminating pioneering discoveries, facilitating the collaborative development and integration of medical-related disciplines, and bridging the gap between research and application, to better empower global medical innovation and enhance human health and well-being.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Basic research in all biomedical specialties
Bio-medical materials and engineering
Clinical research and trials
Drug discovery/delivery
Medical equipment/devices and technology
Public health/epidemiology/health policies
Transitional/precision medicine
Emerging interdisciplinary fields in medicine (e.g., medicine+artificial intelligence/mobile Internet/cloud computing/big data)