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Open access

ISSN: 2772-5162
CN: 42-1917/O4
p-ISSN: 2097-0048

Cryoporometry for short T2 samples: a T1 filter method application to battery electrodes characterization

The pore size distribution is often an important parameter for transport processes in porous media. Cryoporometry experiments can provide such data in the meso and macropore size up to 1 μm providing...

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The rise of NMR-integrated fragment-based drug discovery in China

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an indispensable tool to probe weak protein-ligand interactions, which are key to the hit identification and hit-to-lead evolution in fragment-based...

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Dynamic nuclear polarization and chemically induced hyperpolarization: Progress, mechanisms, and opportunities

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful and broadly used spectroscopic technique for characterizing molecular structures and dynamics. Yet the power of NMR is restricted by its inherently...

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Artificial intelligence goes from predicting structure to predicting stability

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Adaptive k-space learning and high-dimensional subsets embedding for parallel MRI reconstruction

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) inherently requires considerable time for data acquisition, but obtaining multi-contrast MRI data further prolongs this process, thereby increasing susceptibility to...

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Unraveling boron-organic template interactions in [B, Al]-ZSM-5 zeolite using solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Organic structure directing agents (OSDAs), such as tetrapropylammonium (TPA) cations, serve as crucial templates for the formation of zeolite frameworks. These organic molecules interact with inorganic...

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Femtotesla atomic magnetometer for zero- and ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance

Zero- and ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) has experienced rapid development and provides an excellent tool for diverse research fields ranging from materials science and quantum...

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Measurement of protein non-covalent interactions in buffer and cells

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) serves as a powerful tool for studying both the structure and dynamics of proteins. The NOE method, alongside residual dipolar; coupling, paramagnetic effects, J-coupling,...

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An amphiphilic peptide with unnatural amino acids as an alignment medium for RDC measurements

The multiple oligopeptides have been regarded as promising alignment media due to their structural diverseness and tendency for self-assembly in solution. Herein, an assembled amphiphilic peptide alignment...

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Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance in exploring structure and energy storage mechanism of supercapacitors

Supercapacitors, comprising electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) and pseudocapacitors, are widely acknowledged as high-power energy storage devices. However, their local structures and fundamental...

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Fast T1 mapping MRI in preclinical and clinical settings using subspace-constrained joint-domain reconstructions

This work aims to develop fast T1 mapping methods for preclinical and clinical scanners based on subspace-constrained reconstructions. Two sequences are explored for rapid T1 characterizations: 1) Interleaved...

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Unexpected temperature dependence of 1H paramagnetic shift in MAS NMR of nickelocene

This work revisits the temperature dependence of 1H paramagnetic shift in nickelocene as a potential nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) thermometer under fast magic angle spinning (MAS) rate. Surprisingly,...

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Diffusion tractography of kidney by high angular resolution diffusion imaging

Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been utilized to probe the renal microstructures but investigating the three-dimensional (3D) tubular network still presents significant challenges due...

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Enantiodifferentiation of chiral diols and diphenols via recognition-enabled chromatographic 19F NMR

A novel and efficient method for distinguishing between chiral diols and diphenols has been established through the use of 19F NMR spectroscopy. Central to this system's efficacy is a chiral amine,...

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Unveiling structural and dynamical features of chromatin using NMR spectroscopy

Eukaryotic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is wrapped around histone octamers (HOs) to form nucleosome core particles (NCPs), which in turn interact with linker DNA and linker histones to assemble chromatin...

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Progress in magnetic resonance imaging of the glymphatic system

The glymphatic system (GS) is a newly discovered brain anatomy. Its discovery improves our understanding of brain fluid flow and waste removal paths and provides an anatomical basis for the flow of...

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Solid-state NMR of vulcanized natural rubber/butadiene rubber blends: Local organization and cross-linking heterogeneities

Elastomer blends, among which natural rubber (NR) and butadiene rubber (BR), are involved in many components of the automotive/tire industry. A comprehensive understanding of their mechanical behavior...

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Rapid imaging of pulmonary ventilation function evaluation with 129Xe MRI

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Distinct association of HRAS and KRAS with Mn(II) ion illustrated by paramagnetic NMR

Rat sarcoma virus oncogene (RAS) proteins are among crucial oncogenic proteins and are involved in several essential intracellular processes. The RAS protein has an intrinsic metal binding site for...

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A hybrid denoising method for low-field nuclear magnetic resonance data

Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has broad application prospects in the exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. However, NMR instruments tend to acquire echo...

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Light-induced nuclear spin hyperpolarization at high magnetic fields

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Iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation (IDEAL-IQ) for evaluation of early bone mass changes in ageing osteoporosis patients

This study explored the application value of iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation (IDEAL-IQ) technology in the early diagnosis of ageing osteoporosis...

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Structural and functional neural correlates of sensorimotor deficits in progression of hepatic encephalopathy

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neurological condition that occurs as a complication of liver dysfunction that involves sensorimotor symptoms in addition to cognitive and behavioral changes, particularly...

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0.05 T MRI for whole body

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