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ISSN: 2667-1433

Review and analysis of pipeline leak detection methods

A pipeline burst or rupture causing a leak may significantly impact the environment and the reputation of the company operating the pipeline. In recent years, oil and gas pipelines are expected to be...

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A comprehensive review of polyethylene pipes: Failure mechanisms, performance models, inspection methods, and repair solutions

•Polyethylene (PE) pipes account for up to 90–95 % of new gas distribution pipelines in Europe and the United States.•The failure of a PE pipe is a multivariate problem that can occur due to pre-existing...

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Critical flow velocity phenomenon in erosion-corrosion of pipelines: determination methods, mechanisms and applications

The critical flow velocity phenomenon is common in erosion-corrosion of many materials. It is of great importance to develop methods to determine the critical flow velocity and understand mechanisms...

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Risk-based pipeline integrity management: A road map for the resilient pipelines

Pipelines are the most vital energy-transportation mediums of today’s energy-intensive economies. To a level, pipeline integrity is tied to the continuous development and robustness of modern societies,...

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Supercritical/dense-phase CO2 pipeline leakage diffusion experiment and hazard distance prediction method

The study of the diffusion characteristics of CO2 leakage in pipelines and the determination of the hazardous distance resulting from such leakage under various working conditions are crucial for identifying...

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A review of computer vision applications for asset inspection in the oil and gas Industry

This review explores the current application of computer vision (CV) technologies in the inspection of pipelines within the oil and gas industry, highlighting the methodologies, challenges, and advancements...

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Quantification of methane emissions from typical natural gas stations using on-site measurement technology

•Fugitive methane emission measurements at typical stations of the natural gas pipeline network using a hydrogen flame ionization detector and a high-flow methane tester.•There is a statistically significant...

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Review of minimum requirements and development of guidance for weld spacing

Follow-on work to a recently completed joint industry project pertaining to hot tap branch connections included the development of guidance on minimum spacing between various combinations of adjacent...

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Drag reduction in single-phase crude oil flow: A mini-review

It is well recognized that a major issue for fluid flows in many industrial pipe systems, including the transportation of crude oil, is the high energy consumption in the pipeline system brought on...

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Advances in intelligent identification of fiber-optic vibration signals in oil and gas pipelines

Based on the principles and characteristics of distributed fiber optic monitoring technology, this paper introduces the current research progress in identifying fiber optic vibration signals in oil...

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Oil pipeline leakage monitoring developments in China

Pipeline is the most economical and efficient way of oil transportation, pipeline integrity management is an effective means to prevent pipeline accidents and ensure the safe operation of pipelines...

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A numerical study on hydrogen blending in natural gas pipeline by a T-Pipe

In order to study the flow blending and transporting process of hydrogen that injects into the natural gas pipelines, a three-dimensional T-pipe blending model is established and the flow characteristics...

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Data-driven multi-fault detection in pipelines utilizing frequency response function and artificial neural networks

This research presents a data-driven structural health monitoring (SHM) approach for pipeline systems that leverages frequency response function (FRF) signals and artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms...

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Surface pipeline leak detection using realtime sensor data analysis

The most common type of Leak Detection System (LDS) is designed to detect leaks that generate a sufficient pressure variation which can be detected at either the inlet or the outlet sensors. However,...

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Mechanical properties of the liner for strengthening steel pipe under the action of normal fault

•A model of steel pipe repaired by liner under the action of fault is established.•The FE model is evaluated by test results.•The effect of each variable is studied.•The failure of the pipeline is ...

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Benzylamine as Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor for Top-of-the-Line Corrosion in Water-Hydrocarbon Co-Condensation Environment

Volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) injection is a promising method employed to mitigate top-of-the-line corrosion (TLC) in wet gas pipelines. Amine is the most common type of VCI employed for TLC mitigation,...

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A techno-economic study of the strategy for hydrogen transport by pipelines in Canada

•Analyzed the various hydrogen transportation methods.•Suggested the optimal option for hydrogen transport in Canada.•Discussed the technical challenges when repurposing existing pipeline for hydrogen...

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Natural gas consumption forecasting using a novel two-stage model based on improved sparrow search algorithm

The foundation of natural gas intelligent scheduling is the accurate prediction of natural gas consumption (NGC). However, its volatility, brings difficulties and challenges in accurately predicting...

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CRA Clad Pipes: Do Their Benefits Justify Sole Selection?

This article presents a case study of a gas leak at a girth weld on a subsea spool. The leak occurred 14 days after the pipeline's start-up. The pipeline in question was a 36-inch CRA clad pipeline,...

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Experimental study of the full-scale burst failure behavior of carbon dioxide steel pipeline

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is an important strategic reserve technology to reduce CO2 emissions. Accelerating the application and development of CCUS technology is a realistic need...

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Effect of Phase Change on corrosion behavior of X65 Steel in CO2 transportation pipeline environment

Phase change is inevitable in long-distance CO2 transport pipeline. In this study, an in-situ electrochemical noise monitoring device was constructed to study the effect of phase change on corrosion...

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Study on scour stripping of oil-wax gels in pipes

In this study, soft gel stripping experiments were conducted under different temperatures and flow velocity conditions by a flow loop. The flow area of pipes increased with an increase in flow velocity....

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Crack assessment in spiral-welded pipelines repaired by composite patch: A SMART and failure assessment diagram approach

This study presents a methodology for assessing cracks in spiral-welded pipelines (SWPs) repaired with composite sleeves, utilizing the Separating Morphing and Adaptive Remeshing Technique (SMART) for...

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Application and prospects of multi-phase pipeline simulation technology in empowering the intelligent oil and gas fields

This paper reviews the application of multiphase flow simulation technology for constructing intelligent oil and gas fields. By utilizing the theoretical multiphase flow simulation model and solution...

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A Multi-level Classification Model for Corrosion defects in Oil and Gas Pipelines Using Meta-Learner Ensemble (MLE) Techniques

The manuscript has potential highlights as addressed below:•A stacking ensemble method was developed to improve the prediction corrosion defect level using multiple classifiers and a logistic regression...

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