Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience Ready To Set Off
Published 20 May, 2016
Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience Ready To Set Off
The launch event for the Journal of Natural Gas Geosciences (JNGGS) was successfully held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang on May 11th 2016 during the 2nd Natural Gas Geoscience Forum. This event attracted over 30 members of the journal’s editorial team who, along with sponsoring institutions, sat together to plan the future strategy for the journal. Dr. Keith De Blanger (KeAi General Manager) also attended to provide publishing advice.
Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jinxing Dai also took the opportunity to issue official appointment certificates to attending members of the Editorial Board. The primary JNGGS goals were discussed including becoming a well-established title serving and recognized by the global academic community as well as listing in major abstracting & indexing services within 3 to 5 years.
JNGGS is a bi-monthly English publication co-launched by Lanzhou Literature & Information Center CAS, and Langfang Branch of PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development in the beginning of 2016. The Journal’s key areas of interest include natural gas geology, natural gas geochemistry, natural gas geophysics, natural gas field engineering, unconventional natural gas, natural gas & environment, natural gas resource & economics. Articles are hosted and now freely available on ScienceDirect under gold open access model.
Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience举行创刊发布会
2016年5月11日,Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience英文刊创刊发布会在浙江温州举行。中国石油勘探开发研究院戴金星院士、中国地质大学(武汉)副校长郝芳院士、中国科学院兰州文献情报中心副主任曲建升研究员、中国石油勘探开发研究院副院长兼廊坊分院院长邹才能教授级高级工程师、北京科爱森蓝文化传播有限公司Keith De Blanger总经理以及编委代表等共计30余人参加了此次会议。会议由中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院地质所所长李剑教授级高级工程师主持。
曲建升、邹才能分别代表2个主办单位发言并聘任戴金星院士为期刊首任主编。戴金星简要介绍了英文期刊筹办过程及主要报道范围和编委会组成等内容,并为副主编及编委代表颁发聘书。 副主编郝芳、邹才能分别进行了发言。
Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience是由中国科学院兰州文献情报中心和中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院共同主办的英文电子期刊,期刊将在荷兰Elsevier公司的ScienceDirect平台以OA(开放获取)的形式出版。会上提出,要从起步抓起,通过不断提升稿件学术质量和编校质量,力争在3~5年内发展成为国际知名期刊,能被国际学术界承认和被一些国际权威数据库收录检索。