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ISSN: 2213-9567

Spark plasma sintering of a novel Mg-0.7Ca alloy: A comprehensive study

•Improved densification and SPS behavior were achieved via paraffin additive.•PSN mechanism was promoted via Ca-rich phases and secondary oxides.•Randomized texture was achieved in Starch-doped alloys.•Improved...

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Enhancing the formability of flame-retardant magnesium alloy through Zn alloying

•Significantly improves the formability of flame-retardant Mg alloys.•Overcome the trade-off between flame-retardant performance and formability.•The mechanism of Zn alloying on the dynamic recrystallization...

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Understanding pyramidal slip-induced deformation bands and dynamic recrystallization in AZWX3100 magnesium alloy

•Linear recrystallization bands along deformation bands were observed interior the grains in AZWX alloy during plane strain compression at elevated temperature.•These recrystallized bands are confirmed...

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Magnesium-reinforced sandwich structured composite membranes promote osteogenesis

•The magnesium-reinforced sandwich structured composite membranes are designed and fabricated by inner-layer magnesium scaffolds and a bottom and top layer PLGA/collagen hybrid.•The composite membranes...

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Unraveling electrochemical performance of magnesium vanadate-based nanostructures as advanced cathodes for rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries

•The magnesium vanadate-based nanostructures materials were prepared by a single-step solvothermal method.•The MgVO-3 h electrode exhibited excellent cycling performance and long-term cyclability.•The...

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Mechanism and application prospect of magnesium-based materials in cancer treatment

•The degradation of magnesium-based materials is influenced by various in vivo and in vitro factors, exerting antitumor effects through their degradation products.•Mg ions can comprehensively modulate...

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Wetting behavior of Mo, Ta, and stainless steel substrates in contact with molten Mg

•Investigation of high-temperature behavior of liquid Mg with refractory metals.•Wettability of liquid magnesium on the Mo, Ta, and stainless steel substrates.•Non-wetting behavior of investigated couples...

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Achieving the strength and ductility synergy in the AlN/ZK60 Mg matrix composite with the bimodal structure

•AlN/ZK60 composite with the bimodal structure was fabricated using a novel AlN-Al master alloy.•The combination of the Al-Zr reaction and AlN promoting DRX induced the bimodal structure in grain size...

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Clarifying the adverse effect of secondary phase on the tribological property of Mg alloy

•Mg-Al precipitate can inhibit the formation of mechanical twins in the worn subsurface.•The wear hardening capacity of AZ-Mg alloys decrease with increasing precipitate content.•Loads can amplify the...

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Revealing the limits of laser energy density: A study of the combined effects of process parameters on melt pool and microstructure in WE43 magnesium alloys

•This study presents a comprehensive analysis of microstructure changes in WE43 Mg alloy after laser surface melting (LSM), examining grain morphology, orientation, size, microsegregation, and defects...

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Recent advancements in the design of micro/nanostructured superhydrophobic surfaces on magnesium alloys

•Recent biomimetic inspirations for superhydrophobic (SHB) surfaces on Mg alloys were first summarized, followed by an overview of the primary manufacturing methods.•The self-healing, antibacterial,...

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Flash-PEO of magnesium: Phosphate precursor driven functionalization

•A precursor PCC layer has been successfully integrated in PEO coatings on Mg AZ31B.•Ca, Zn & Mn cations were incorporated into PEO.•TEM reveals defects in the form of oxidized disks below the PEO`s...

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A comprehensive review on Mg-based materials as filler in mixed matrix membranes for CO2 separation

•Increasing interest in membrane technology applications, particularly MMMs with mineral fillers, for solving CO2 release challenges.•Mg-based materials are of great interest due to their unique characteristics,...

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An overview of the recent developments in biodegradable Mg-Zn alloy

•Critical review of Mg-Zn alloy for biomedical application.•Mg-(4.0–5.0) wt.% Zn alloy showed the highest strength and the lowest corrosion rate.•Achieved strength and corrosion rate still does not...

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Potential of strain-integrated gas infusion (SIGI) casting on post-heat treatment kinetics of AZ91 magnesium alloy

•The potential of an innovative SIGI casting process on post heat treatment influence was studied in AZ91 Mg alloy.•The solution treatment duration is significantly lesser in SIGI cast as compared to...

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Enhancing hydrogen storage performance of magnesium-based materials: A review on nanostructuring and catalytic modification

•The review comprehensively details recent advancements in nanostructuring techniques, illustrating how these approaches significantly enhance the hydrogen storage performance of magnesium-based materials...

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Improvement of strength and ductility of TC4p/AZ91D magnesium matrix composites by modifying the extrusion ratio

•The grain refinement is improved by transforming the β-phase from continuous distribution to discrete distribution.•The strength of the (01-10)-based fibre texture initially decreases and then increases,...

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Achieving excellent mechanical properties in Mg-5Bi-3Al alloy via ultra-fine grain and high-density precipitates

•Mg-5Bi-3Al alloy extruded at 240 °C has excellent strength-ductility balance with UTS of 418 MPa.•Ultra-fine DRXed grain (∼0.5 µm) and dense precipitates are the key to improved mechanical property.•The...

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Study on the theoretical and mechanism of CaF₂-catalyzed vacuum carbothermal reduction of MgO

•The possible reactions in the MgO-C-CaF₂ system were analysed and the thermodynamic theory of CaF₂-catalysed vacuum carbothermal reduction of magnesium oxide was clarified.•The effect of CaF₂ addition...

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LaVO4 prepared by a high–yield method for superior catalysis to the hydrogen storage of MgH2

•LaVO4 is fabricated by a facile method of spry drying followed by a calcination.•LaVO4 is converted to La4H12.19 and V/VHx after one de/hydrogenation cycle.•La4H12.19 maintains and V/VHx is reversible...

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Revealing Hetero-Deformation Induced (HDI) Hardening and Dislocation Activity in a Dual-Heterostructure Magnesium Matrix Composite

•The dual-heterogeneous TiC/AZ61 composite exhibits significantly improved plastic elongation (PEL) by nearly one time compared to uniform FG composite, while maintaining a high strength (UTS: 417 MPa).•More...

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Effect of electrochemical hydrogen charging on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of a duplex structured Mg-8wt.%Li alloy

•The hydrogen-induced damage forms of Mg-8%Li alloy includes cracks and pores and the damages mainly occur in α-Mg phase.•The tensile strength and ductility of Mg-8%Li alloy are gradually decreased...

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Exceptional mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured Mg-9Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy induced by promoted precipitation behavior

•Precipitation behavior of WAAMed and as-cast GW93K alloys is compared.•An extremely high density of β′ precipitates is observed in deposited alloy.•The aging-treated WAAMed alloy shows great comprehensive...

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Developing a novel Mg2Zn3Li1Gd alloy sheet with high room-temperature formability by introducing an elliptical texture distribution

•A novel elliptical-texture distribution was achieved in a Mg2Zn3Li1Gd alloy.•The formation mechanism of the unusual texture distribution was studied deeply.•The slip activities in this sheet during...

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Biodegradable Mg-Ca/Mg-Cu bilayer membranes with enhanced mechanical, osteogenesis and antibacterial performances for GBR applications

•A structure-functional integrated Mg-Ca/Mg-Cu bilayer membrane was developed for the first time, which can serve as a candidate for guided bone regeneration (GBR) applications.•The Mg-Cu layer, intended...

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