New Era in Food Microbiological Risk Analysis

Published 01 August, 2024

Recent years have seen significant advancements in food microbiological risk analysis, including risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. In particular, the One Health approach, which integrates human, animal and environmental health, is gaining importance, especially in understanding the transmission dynamics of zoonotic pathogens and their antibiotic resistance. Key developments include precise and rapid methods for detecting and monitoring microbial contamination in food products, environmental indicators and human consumption patterns, as well as innovations in real-time and high-throughput screening technologies. Predictive modeling methodologies have also improved, allowing for more accurate estimations of microbial behavior in various food matrices. Big data analytics and artificial intelligence-driven approaches have further enhanced model robustness and predictive power. The incorporation of omics data into risk analysis frameworks provides a causal understanding of microbial hazards. These advancements contribute to better risk management policies and more effective risk communication with stakeholders.

This special issue invites high-quality, original research or reviews on these topics, with the aim to advance scientific discourse and support global efforts to ensure food microbiological safety and public health.


Food Microbiology, Food Safety; Foodborne Pathogens; Risk Analysis, One Health

Important deadlines:

Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025

Publication Date: May, 2025

Submission instructions:

Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online; please select SI: Microbiological Risk Analysis

Special Issue Editor:

Yangtai Liu, Assoc. Prof.

University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, China


Wen Wang, Assoc. Prof.

Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China


Jian Chen, Assoc. Prof.

Zhejiang Gongshang University, China


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