Journal of Electronic Science and Technology Call for Papers

Published 03 June, 2024

Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (JEST) (ISSN 1674-862X, CN 1674-862X), is an open access, peer-reviewed periodical available on ScienceDirect. The journal is indexed in Ei Compendex, Scopus, INSPEC, CSCD, DOAJ, CA, Science paper Online, etc. with CiteScore(2022)=6.4 (Q1 in Scopus). JEST publishes original and significant contributions related to electronic science and technology.

Topics include, but are not limit to

  • Bioelectronics and biomedicine
  • Circuits and systems
  • Communication technology
  • Computer science and information technology
  • Electronic materials and devices
  • Information and network security
  • Neural networks and intelligent systems
  • Optoelectronic and photonic technologies
  • Energy-efficient technology
  • Quantum technology
  • Sensing and measurement
  • Signal processing and image processing
  • Terahertz science and technology


  • Free for publication:JEST is a gold open access (OA) journal. You can publish OA free of charge.
  • Rapid peer-review process:About 30 days for the initial review cycle.
  • Publication time after acceptance:Once accepted, your paper will be published in the ABP style on ScienceDirect, complete with a DOI, volume number, issue number, and article number, typically within 30 days.
  • Wide dissemination: Your paper will be showcased to over ten thousand scholars in related areas through email alerts.
  • Enhanced visibility:Using TrendMD on ScienceDirect, Springer, IEL, Nature, Science, PNAS and more to promote your paper.

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