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ISSN: 2773-0670

Research agenda for the digital economy

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Supply chain finance: What are the challenges in the adoption of blockchain technology?

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Determinants of consumers' adoption intention for blockchain technology in E-commerce

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Ethical governance of artificial intelligence: An integrated analytical framework

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Comparative analysis of digital trade development strategies and governance approaches

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How to realize the full potentials of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital economy? A literature review

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Exploring the current status and future opportunities of blockchain technology adoption and application in supply chain management

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Using social media big data for tourist demand forecasting: A new machine learning analytical approach

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The digital economy and the growth dynamics of sharing platforms: A transaction cost economics assessment

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Conceptualizing social media analytics in digital economy: An evidence from bibliometric analysis

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Can digital economic attention spillover to financial markets? Evidence from the time-varying Granger test

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An improved FMEA quality risk assessment framework for enterprise data assets

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Digital transformation and enterprise inefficient investment: Under the view of financing constraints and earnings management

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The environmental cost of cryptocurrency: Assessing carbon emissions from bitcoin mining in China

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Digital transformation, data architecture, and legacy systems

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The influence factors of innovation networking formation based on ERGM: Evidence from the smart medical industry

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Entrepreneurial ecosystem and urban economic growth-from the knowledge-based view

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Customers as knowledge partners in a digital business ecosystem: From customer analytics towards knowledge partnerships

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Patent system in the digital era - Opportunities and new challenges

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Building supply chain resilience through collaborative innovation: An information processing theory perspective

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The human ecosystem

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