Digital strategy, artificial intelligence and the platform economy
Published 02 June, 2022
This special issue aims to stimulate the debate on new research and practice insights in digital strategy, artificial intelligence and the platform economy, especially with respect to challenges faced by businesses, their leaders and their stakeholders. The rules of the game in business, work and society will be transformed by the platform economy driven by industry 4.0 technologies (e.g., robotics, Internet of Things, 3D printing, big data analytics and artificial intelligence), linked to ecosystems, digitalisation of businesses and the sharing economy. Despite growing attention for this phenomenon, strategic management studies are still at an early stage regarding conceptual and empirical contributions. We are looking for theoretical approaches that will help organisations to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the digital economy and the business ecosystems involved. In addition, we welcome approaches to teach future leaders, along with critical discourse on the skills and competencies needed to prepare for the challenges of the digital economy.
Topics covered:
These may include (but are not limited to):
- Redefining competitive advantageand generic strategies in a digital economy
- The role oftechnology in driving success and stronger competitive advantage
- New business models and processes in a digital economy
- New limiting factors in terms of strategic growth and success
- Sustainable value creation through digital strategies
- Digitalstrategies, speed of internationalisation and the perfect location
- The role ofartificial intelligence in strategy formulation and strategic decision making
- New approaches to teachingdigital strategy
- New research methods fordigital strategy
Important deadlines:
Submission deadline: rolling submission
Submission instructions:
Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online; please select Digital strategy, artificial intelligence and the platform economy on submission.
Guest Editors:
- Marco Bettiol, University of Padova, Italy. Email:
- Eleonora Di Maria, University of Padova,Italy. Email:
- Stefan Güldenberg, EHL Hospitality Business School, Switzerland. Email:
- Julia Mueller-Seeger, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Email:
- Anne-Katrin Neyer, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg,Germany. Email:
- Birgit Renzl, University of Stuttgart, Germany. Email:
About the Guest Editors:

Marco Bettiol
Marco Bettiol is Associate Professor of Business at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova, Italy, where he teaches Internet Marketing, Experience Marketing and Strategy. He is a researcher at TeDIS Center, within Venice International University. He has conducted research on the impacts of digital technologies in SMEs and industrial district. He has published several articles in international journals such as Journal of Management, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, and European Planning Studies.

Eleonora Di Maria
Eleonora Di Maria is Full Professor in Business Management, at the University of Padova, Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno” (DSEA), Italy. She is the Scientific Coordinator of the Digital Manufacturing Lab at the DSEA. Her research focuses on digital transformation, innovation and sustainability strategies of firms, as well as on internationalisation. Her research has been published in international books and journals such as Research Policy, Business Strategy & the Environment, Journal of Knowledge Management, European Planning Studies, and Industry & Innovation. She recently co-edited the book Knowledge Management and Industry 4.0. (2020), Springer, Heidelberg with Marco Bettiol and Stefano Micelli.

Stefan Güldenberg
Stefan Güldenberg is Academic Director of the Graduate School at EHL Hospitality Business School Lausanne in Switzerland, where he directs the Master and MBA programs in Hospitality Management. His current research interests focus on the future of work, digital strategies, sustainable leadership and knowledge management. He studied Business Mathematics, Philosophy and English at the University of Ulm and then received his doctorate and habilitation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Stays abroad took him to institutions such as Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the National University of Singapore. He is the current Vice President Practice of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and President of The New Club of Paris, a think tank and agenda-setter for the knowledge economy. He recently co-edited the book Managing Work in the Digital Economy – Challenges, Strategies and Practices for the Next Decade (2021), Springer, with Ekkehard Ernst and Klaus North.

Julia Mueller-Seeger
Julia Mueller-Seeger is currently Full Professor and Chair of Strategic Management at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. Her current research interests focus on strategic management, especially on micro foundations of management processes, ambidextrous leadership, knowledge management, and change and qualitative research methods. She has been principal investigator of research projects sponsored by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and the Peter Pribilla Foundation. She has won several best paper awards for her publications, such as the Tudor Rickards & Susan Moger Best Paper Award. She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of the open access Qual.met /Journal.

Anne-Katrin Neyer
Anne-Katrin Neyer is Full Professor of Human Resources Management and Business Governance at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany), where she directs the master program “Human Resources Management”. The focus of her work lies in the impact of digitalisation on the future of work. By analysing the linkages of AI and HRM, Anne-Katrin develops and implements people-oriented strategies for ongoing transformation in organisations. Another focal point of her studies is the role of HRM as a value driver for the design and implementation of new (digital) business models. Anne-Katrin is the CHRO of Women in AI (WAI), a non-profit do-tank working towards inclusive AI that benefits global society.

Birigit Renzl
Birigit Renzl is Full Professor in Management & Organisation at the University of Stuttgart (Germany). Her research focuses on strategy and organisation, knowledge and innovation management, and leadership. Her current research deals with digital transformation, routines and innovation processes, and organisational agility. She is founding member of the Stuttgart Research focus on IRIS (Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems). She has written more than 90 articles in academic journals and she is member of the editorial board of Management Learning.