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Open access

ISSN: 2667-3452

Internet of things for smart factories in industry 4.0, a review

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Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots

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Edge AI: A survey

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Medical 4.0 technologies for healthcare: Features, capabilities, and applications

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ChatGPT: Vision and challenges

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Cyber Physical Systems: Analyses, challenges and possible solutions

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Enabling flexible manufacturing system (FMS) through the applications of industry 4.0 technologies

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IoT: Communication protocols and security threats

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Sustainability 4.0 and its applications in the field of manufacturing

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Consensus mechanism for software-defined blockchain in internet of things

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Machine learning techniques for IoT security: Current research and future vision with generative AI and large language models

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Ethical hacking for IoT: Security issues, challenges, solutions and recommendations

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A proactive role of IoT devices in building smart cities

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Unleashing the power of internet of things and blockchain: A comprehensive analysis and future directions

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Design and implementation of solar-powered with IoT-Enabled portable irrigation system

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Managing natural disasters: An analysis of technological advancements, opportunities, and challenges

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Artificial intelligence enabled Digital Twins for training autonomous cars

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Android malware classification using optimum feature selection and ensemble machine learning

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Blockchain inspired secure and reliable data exchange architecture for cyber-physical healthcare system 4.0

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PRAFT and RPBFT: A class of blockchain consensus algorithm and their applications in electric vehicles charging scenarios for V2G networks

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Security of federated learning with IoT systems: Issues, limitations, challenges, and solutions

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Assessment of challenges and problems in supply chain among retailers during COVID-19 epidemic through AHP-TOPSIS hybrid MCDM technique

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Deep learning for cyber threat detection in IoT networks: A review

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