Advantages and disadvantages of terracing: A comprehensive review
September 2021
For thousands of years, terracing has been one of the most important systems for preventing soil erosion, conserving water, and increasing agricultural production. Despite having a long history, the...
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Determination of runoff coefficient (C) in catchments based on analysis of precipitation and flow events
June 2022
Runoff coefficient (C) values are tabulated and enshrined in hydrological engineering. These values are considered to be constant although they may not correspond to reality. In the same catchment,...
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Remote sensing of soil degradation: Progress and perspective
September 2023
Soils constitute one of the most critical natural resources and maintaining their health is vital for agricultural development and ecological sustainability, providing many essential ecosystem services....
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Critical review of the impact of cover crops on soil properties
September 2022
Grasses as well as leguminous and non-leguminous broadleaves are the major categories of commonly grown cover crops worldwide. This review focuses on the contribution of cover crops to soil properties....
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A systematic review of soil erosion control practices on the agricultural land in Asia
June 2020
Soil is the basis of production in agriculture activities. The combination of intensive farming activities, improper farming practices, rainfall regimes, and topography conditions that taken place in...
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Conservation tillage impacts on soil, crop and the environment
June 2015
There is an urgent need to match food production with increasing world population through identification of sustainable land management strategies. However, the struggle to achieve food security should...
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Using the USLE: Chances, challenges and limitations of soil erosion modelling
September 2019
To give soils and soil degradation, which are among the most crucial threats to ecosystem stability, social and political visibility, small and large scale modelling and mapping of soil erosion is inevitable....
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Challenges and constraints of conservation agriculture adoption in smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa: A review
December 2024
Common farming practices in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) such as intensive and repeated tillage, complete crop residue removal, and biomass burning create risks of soil degradation. To reduce these risks,...
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Best management practices to reduce soil erosion and change water balance components in watersheds under grain and dairy production
March 2024
Soil erosion and sedimentation are among the most serious global environmental problems. Soil and water conservation measures have been proven effective ways to reduce soil loss. The objective of this...
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Emerging pollutants in the environment: A challenge for water resource management
1 March 2015
A significant number of emerging pollutants (EPs) resulting from point and diffuse pollution is present in the aquatic environment. These are chemicals that are not commonly monitored but have the potential...
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Influence of salinity and water content on soil microorganisms
December 2015
Salinization is one of the most serious land degradation problems facing world. Salinity results in poor plant growth and low soil microbial activity due to osmotic stress and toxic ions. Soil microorganisms...
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The effects of armed conflict on natural resources and conservation measures in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Available online 29 November 2024
A heavy armed conflict erupted in Tigray region of Ethiopia in 2020, and the crisis continued up to 2022. This study investigates the impacts of this crisis on the status of natural resources, and soil...
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Identification of suitable sites for rainwater harvesting structures in arid and semi-arid regions: A review
June 2016
Harvested rainwater is an alternative source of water in arid and semi-arid regions (ASARs) around the world. Many researchers have developed and applied various methodologies and criteria to identify...
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Conservation agriculture in India – Problems, prospects and policy issues
December 2014
Conservation agriculture (CA) technologies involve minimum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover through crop residues or cover crops, and crop rotations for achieving higher productivity. In India,...
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Conservation management decreases surface runoff and soil erosion
June 2022
Conservation management practices – including agroforestry, cover cropping, no-till, reduced tillage, and residue return – have been applied for decades to control surface runoff and soil erosion, yet...
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Global mapping of volumetric water retention at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm suction using the WoSIS database
June 2023
Present global maps of soil water retention (SWR) are mostly derived from pedotransfer functions (PTFs) applied to maps of other basic soil properties. As an alternative, ‘point-based’ mapping of soil...
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Assessing current and future soil erosion under changing land use based on InVEST and FLUS models in the Yihe River Basin, North China
June 2024
The Yihe River Basin is a key area for water conservation and soil erosion control in northern China. The excessive development of land resources is a major factor causing soil erosion and ecological...
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Soil organic carbon stock and fractional distribution across central-south China
December 2021
The stock and stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) are critical to soil functions and global carbon cycle, but little quantitative information is available on the precise location and chemical components...
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The effect of hydrogel particle size on water retention properties and availability under water stress
September 2019
The use of superabsorbent polymers or hydrogels could increase the water holding capacity (WHC) of sandy soil and reduce water loss by deep percolation. However, hydrogels' retained water availability...
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The USLE soil erodibility nomograph revisited
March 2023
The nomograph by Wischmeier et al. (1971) for calculating the K-factor in the USLE was extremely useful when there was low access to calculators. However, the generalised calculation of this factor...
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Brazilian payment for environmental services programs emphasize water-related services
June 2023
Based on “user pays” and “provider gets” principles, the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) consists of providing economic incentives or compensation for land users who adopt activities that promote...
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Impact of urbanization on groundwater recharge and urban water balance for the city of Hyderabad, India
March 2018
Groundwater recharge processes in an urban area are different than in non-urban areas. There are various new components that must be considered in the case of urban groundwater recharge in addition...
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Biochar derived from agricultural wastes and wood residues for sustainable agricultural and environmental applications
June 2022
Lignocellulosic biomass can be circulated to produce many materials and products, including biochar. This study analyzed five different types of biochar produced from agricultural wastes and wood residues....
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Watershed management, groundwater recharge and drought resilience: An integrated approach to adapt to rainfall variability in northern Ethiopia
September 2024
Rainfall variability coupled with poor land and water management is contributing to food insecurity in many sub-Saharan African countries such as Ethiopia. To address such challenges, various efforts...
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Why we should revitalize indigenous water harvesting systems: Lessons learned
March 2025
It is generally believed that problems surrounding water scarcity led earlier generations to develop and employ a variety of indigenous rainwater harvesting (RWH) techniques. This paper is based on...
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