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Open access

ISSN: 2468-6050

Heat-transfer characteristics of screw tube in one-side high heat load condition for fusion reactor divertor application

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Investigation of kaolin - Granite composite bricks for gamma radiation shielding

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Best estimate plus uncertainty analysis of the China advanced large-scale PWR during LBLOCA scenarios

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Electrochemical behavior and corrosion rate prediction study of alloy 690

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Experimental and numerical investigation of two phase ejector performance with the water injected into the induced flow

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Experimental study on flow characteristics of rectangular narrow channel

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Analysis on containment thermal hydraulic behaviour under passive containment heat removal system operation condition for HPR1000

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Steady-state thermal fluids analysis for the HTR-PM equilibrium core

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Studies on post-dryout heat transfer in R-134a vertical flow

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Optimization of the TRISO fuel particle distribution based on octahedral and icosahedral-based segmentation methods in the pebble-bed nuclear core

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Influence of zinc injection on deposition of corrosion products on inner wall of heat transfer tube

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Study on the thermal and geometrical parameters of helical coil once-through steam generator system

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Study on startup characteristics of prototype once-through steam generator for China fast reactor

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Numerical investigation on transverse flow of helical cruciform fuel rod assembly in a lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor

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Calculation of flow heat transfer characteristics of liquid gallium

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Numerical investigation of the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of AP1000 steam generator U-tubes

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Assessment of radiological safety and emergency response of VVER-1200 type reactor

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Development of a three-dimensional method for thermal-hydraulics/neutronics coupling analysis and its application on CFETR helium-cooled solid breeder blanket

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Tomographic imaging of two-phase flow

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Preliminary experimental validation of multi-loop natural circulation model based on RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD 4.0

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Effect of LaB<inf>6</inf> addition on mechanical properties and irradiation resistance of 316L stainless steels processed by selective laser melting

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IVR design and review of advanced NPPs in China: Issues and perspectives

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Experimental study on aerosol behavior in water pool scrubbing under severe accident conditions

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Development and evaluation of fuel performance analysis code FuSPAC

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Uncertainty analysis and its application of radioactive source term of HPR1000 under severe accident

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