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ISSN: 2589-7578

GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for identification of potential groundwater recharge zones - a case study from Ponnaniyaru watershed, Tamil Nadu, India

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Seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifers of India - A review

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Assessment of the groundwater geochemistry from a part of west coast of India using statistical methods and water quality index

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Surface runoff estimation of Sind river basin using integrated SCS-CN and GIS techniques

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Hydrologic response to land use land cover change in the Upper Gidabo Watershed, Rift Valley Lakes Basin, Ethiopia

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Simulation of monthly streamflow using the SWAT model of the Ib River watershed, India

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Identification of suitable sites and structures for artificial groundwater recharge for sustainable water resources management in Vamanapuram River Basin, South India

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Hydrogeochemistry and heavy metal contamination in groundwaters of Dhaka metropolitan city, Bangladesh: Assessment of human health impact

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Assessment of origin and distribution of fluoride contamination in groundwater using an isotopic signature from a part of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

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Application of SWAT hydrological model for assessing water availability at the Sherigu catchment of Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso

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Arsenic in groundwater from Southwest Bangladesh: Sources, water quality, and potential health concern

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Application of analytical hierarchy process and integrated fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process for mapping potential groundwater recharge zone using GIS in the arid areas of Ewaso Ng'iro – Lagh Dera Basin, Kenya

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Examining the impacts of climate variabilities and land use change on hydrological responses of Awash River basin, Ethiopia

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Hydrochemistry and assessment of heavy metals groundwater contamination in an industrialized city of sub-Saharan Africa (Douala, Cameroon). Implication on human health

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Application of bivariate approaches for flood susceptibility mapping: a district level study in Eastern India

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Exploring the relative water scarcity across the Indian million-plus urban agglomerations: An application of the Water Poverty Index

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Impact of urban wastewater reuse for irrigation on hydro-agro-ecological systems and human health risks: A case study from Musi river basin, South India

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Hydrochemical appraisal of groundwater quality for drinking and agricultural utility in a granitic terrain of Maheshwaram area of Ranga Reddy district, Telnagana State, India

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The pharmaceutical disposal practices and environmental contamination: A review in East African countries

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Groundwater quality evaluation using GIS and water quality index in and around inactive mines, Southwestern parts of Cuddapah basin, Andhra Pradesh, South India

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Analysis of uranium and other water quality parameters in drinking water sources of 5 districts of Kerala in southern India and potability estimation using water quality indexing method

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A comparative study of springs and groundwater chemistry of Beas and Parbati valley, Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh, India

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Daily flow discharge prediction using integrated methodology based on LSTM models: Case study in Brahmani-Baitarani basin

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Groundwater quality evaluation using water quality index and geospatial techniques in parts of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, South India

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