Advance of Horticultural Plant Genomes

Published 23 April, 2019

With the rapid development of sequencing technology and molecular biology in recent years, the genomics of horticultural plants have developed unprecedented rapidly. To display the latest advance of genomics and molecular biology of horticultural plants (fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, medicinal plants, tea plants and so on), we organized a special issue in Horticultural Plant JournalHPJ, including reviews, research papers, methods, research highlights.  

Important Dates

The accepted papers will be published as a Special Issue in HPJ on the issue 6, November, 2019. The deadline for submission is 31 July 2019. 

Guest Editor

This Special Issue will be guided by Prof. Liangsheng Zhang (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University), the associate editor-in-chief of HPJ. These manuscripts will undergo further peer-review and may be accepted or rejected depending on the peer-review comments.

Submission Instructions

Manuscripts should be submitted via the submission system with indication in cover letter that you would like the manuscript to be considered for the “Advance of Horticultural Plant Genomes” special issue.

We kindly invite you to view HPJ guide for authors and our website to obtain detailed instructions for authors.

Submission website:


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