Special Issue on Safe and Advanced Low-Carbon Rail Transportation Electrification Technologies

Published 22 January, 2025

With the rapid development of global high-speed railways, the world is actively promoting rail energy transformation. The demand of safe and low-carbon rail transportation electrification technology is essential to guarantee the operation of high-speed rail transit. In recent years, emerging technologies such as high-efficiency power supply, energy conversion, vehicle-network coupling, condition monitoring, lifecycle health management, renewable energy integration and AI technologies have emerged continuously. The deep integration of these technologies with high-speed rail will support safer and low-carbon rail transportation electrification system.

The High-speed Railway journal (CN 10-1922/U2; ISSN 2949-8678) has launched a special issue with the topic of "Safe and Advanced Low-Carbon Rail Transportation Electrification Technologies ". Scholars and students in the field are welcome to submit their academic research or review papers.                         

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Stability theory and control technology of vehicle-network coupling system
  • Power quality improvement technology of traction power supply system
  • Condition monitoring, health management and intelligent operation and maintenance theory and technology for key components of high-speed trains
  • Regenerative braking utilization and energy-saving technology
  • Renewable energy integration technology in high-speed rail transit
  • Passing neutral section / passing phase separation technology for electrified railway
  • High efficiency on-board energy conversion technologies
  • Wireless power transfer technology for rail transit
  • Maglev train technology
  • Application of wide bandgap semiconductors in rail transportation electrification
  • AI technology application in high-speed rail transit

Guest Editors:

Dr. Xiaofeng Yang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China (xfyang@bjtu.edu.cn)

Guest Associate Editors:

Dr. Zhongbei Tian, University of Birmingham, UK (z.tian@bham.ac.uk)

Dr. Kouzou Abdallah, Djelfa University, Algeria (a.kouzou@univ-djelfa.dz)

Dr. Andrea Mariscotti, University of Genova, Italy (andrea.mariscotti@unige.it)

Dr. Pavel Kobrle, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech (kobrlpav@fel.cvut.cz)

Dr. Junwei Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK China (junwei.jw.liu@polyu.edu.hk)

Dr. Jinsong Kang, Tongji University, China (kjs@tongji.edu.cn)

Dr. Zhigang Liu, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (liuzg@swjtu.cn)

Dr. Trillion Q. Zheng, Beijing Jiaotong University, China(tqzheng@bjtu.edu.cn)

Submission deadline: July 1, 2025

Contact Details:

Dr. Shuang Gu

Managing Editor of High-speed Railway, Beijing Jiaotong University

Email: sgu@bjtu.edu.cn

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