Special Issue on Green Photoelectric Biocatalysis
Published 03 March, 2025
It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we introduce this special issue dedicated to Green Photoelectric Biocatalysis. Facing declining fossil reserves, global warming and energy crisis, photoelectric biocatalysis has been explored in various processes, from bioremediation, CO2 and N2 fixation to energy and chemicals production. This issue will focus on photoelectric reactions including oxidative, reductive, and combined oxidative reductive processes, highlighting the role of green photoelectric chemistry in shaping the future of catalysis for the advanced manufacturing of bioenergy, biofuels, bio-based materials, and bioproducts.
- Photobiocatalysis /electrobiocatalysis
- Photoelectric biocatalysis
- Biofuel cell and bioelectricity
- Biofuels and biochemicals
- Biophotovoltaic system
- Photosynthetic electron flow
- Extracellular electron transfer
- Microbial electrosynthesis/electro-fermentation
- Machine Learning and artificial intelligence in photobiocatalysis /bioelectrocatalysis
Please read the [Guide for Authors] before submitting. All articles should be [submitted online], please select [SI: Green Photoelectric Biocatalysis] on submission.
- Submission deadline: 31 August 2025.
Professor Bin Lai
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany,
Email: lai@ufz.de
Professor Hao Song
Northeastern University, China.
Email: songhao@mail.neu.edu.cn
Professor Feng Li
Tianjin University, China.
Email: li@tju.edu.cn
Professor Bo Liang
Qingdao Agricultural University, China.
Email: liangbo@qau.edu.cn
Professor Zhiguang Zhu
Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Email: zhu_zg@tib.cas.cn