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Open access

ISSN: 2950-5550
CN: 10-2016/TD
p-ISSN: 2097-521X

Advancing toward sustainability: The emergence of green mining technologies and practices

This study comprehensively evaluates the integration and effectiveness of green mining technologies within the mining sector, specifically focusing on mitigating the environmental impact of traditional...

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Exploring digital twin systems in mining operations: A review

Constant attempts have been made throughout human history to find solutions to complex issues. These attempts resulted in industrial revolutions and the transition from manual labor to machines and...

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Application of clay minerals as adsorbents for removing heavy metals from the environment

The harmful effects of heavy metals on the environment have attracted considerable attention. Adsorption is an effective method for removing heavy metals from water and soil. Clay minerals are abundant...

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Ecofriendly leaching agents for copper extraction—An overview of amino and organic acid applications

The green transition’s push for electrification has substantially increased the demand for copper, making it a critical raw material. This extravagant demand has made it profitable to extract copper...

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Research progress and prospects of intelligent technology in underground mining of hard rock mines

Minerals are the material foundation for advancing human civilization, the starting point of the manufacturing supply chain, and strategic resources essential for national security and economic progress....

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Key theory and technology of cemented paste backfill for green mining of metal mines

To reduce or eliminate environmental damage during mining processes, green mining practices have emerged as a focal point in China’s metal mining research. Cemented paste backfill technology plays a...

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Research progress on carbon dioxide mineralization sequestration technology by tailings

Carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) has become a focal point of research for scientists worldwide to address the global warming issue. Among these studies, utilizing mine tailings...

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Efficient flotation separation of lead–zinc oxide ores using mineral sulfidation reconstruction technology: A review

Oxidized lead and zinc resources have been underutilized for a long time. With the rapid depletion of the lead–zinc sulfide ores, there is an urgent need to increase the efficient utilization of lead–zinc...

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Recent research progress on the direct carbon capture of steel slag to prepare building materials

Driven by the “dual carbon” and “green metallurgy” targets, the steel industry feels the pressure of carbon emission reduction and steel slag resource utilization. Since the year 2000, accelerated carbonation...

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Development status and prospect of geological guarantee technology for intelligent coal mining in China

In the face of the energy revolution and industrial change in the new era, intelligent coal mining is the only way to achieve high-quality development of the coal industry. Intelligent coal mining has...

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Discrete element method simulation of granular materials considering particle breakage in geotechnical and mining engineering: A short review

Discrete element method (DEM)-based simulations are crucial for bridging macro and micro research, particularly owing to the limitations of experimental methods. This paper reviews the simulation techniques...

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Review of allanite: Properties, occurrence and mineral processing technologies

Allanite is commonly encountered as an accessory rare-earth silicate mineral in association with minerals such as garnet, biotite, and feldspar. It is distributed globally and occurs in igneous formations...

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Current supply status, demand trends and security measures of chromium resources in China

Chromium, a strategic mineral resource in China, is widely used in high-precision equipment manufacturing. As the world’s leading consumer and importer of chromite, China’s external dependence exceeds...

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Experimental study on the early compressive strength, fluidity, and microstructure of multisource coal-based solid waste cemented backfill

The production of coal-based solid waste (CBSW) from coal mining operations poses a significant threat to the ecological environment in mining regions. This research addresses the proper management...

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Advances in mineral-based composite phase change materials for energy storage: A review

Phase change materials offer high energy-storage density and maintain a constant temperature during energy storage; however, they face many challenges, such as leakage issues and low thermal conductivity...

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Sustainability and South Africa’s mature mines: The innovation imperative

Given the current reserves, numerous South African Witwatersrand gold and Bushveld platinum mines have a shorter remaining lifespan than the period they have been in full production. This situation...

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Machine learning based prediction of flyrock distance in rock blasting: A safe and sustainable mining approach

Flyrock is a significant environmental and safety concern in mining and construction. It arises from various geological and blast design factors, posing risks to workers, machinery, and nearby structures....

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Key technologies and development trends for efficient flotation recovery of lepidolite

Lepidolite is an essential lithium resource with diverse applications in lithium-ion batteries, ceramics, glass, and other industrial sectors. Efficient flotation of lepidolite is crucial for the extraction...

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Enhanced removal of Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn from acid mine drainage using food waste compost and its mechanisms

Heavy metals (HMs) in acid mine drainage (AMD) pose serious threats to aquatic life and soil. Biosorbents are promising materials to remove HMs from wastewater. Herein, food waste compost was used as...

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Guidance and review: Advancing mining technology for enhanced production and supply of strategic minerals in China

Mineral resources, often referred to as “industrial food,” play a pivotal role in the national economic construction sector. Specifically, strategic minerals (SMs) bear a direct influence on the development...

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Highly efficient CO2 capture on acid-treated sepiolite impregnated with mixed polyethyleneimine and diethanolamine

Amine-functionalized solid adsorbents exhibit broad prospects in CO2 capture from flue gases due to their high adsorption capacity and selectivity. However, reported adsorbents are still facing challenges,...

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Organic minerals: Definitions, classifications, and characteristics

Organic minerals are crystalline substances with C–C, C–H, and/or C–N bonds formed from geological processes in nature, specifically natural crystalline organic compounds, salts of organic acids, and...

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Research progress in the utilization of red mud-based materials in wastewater treatment

Red mud (RM) is a highly alkaline solid waste generated during alumina production. With the rapid development of the alumina industry, RM production has increased dramatically, reaching a rate of 120–150...

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Clay minerals regulating the performance of tribo-composites: A review

The exponential increase in the amount of research focused on clay-mineral-based tribo-composites has offered an unprecedented opportunity for their use in automobile, coating, lubricant, and mechanical...

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Factor of safety analysis for mine pillar considering the influence of the intermediate principal stress component

Failure of mine pillars, especially in deep underground mines, significantly threatens the safety of miners and equipment. Previous studies on mine pillar stability design have used classical constitutive...

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