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Open access

ISSN: 2949-7418
CN: 21-1620/O3
p-ISSN: 2097-5767

Induced Mechanism of Tunnel Rockbursts Based on Dynamic Buckling of Plates

Rockburst, characterized by a sudden and violent rock failure resulting in the expulsion of rock from its surroundings, poses a significant threat to the safety of tunnel excavation operations, often...

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Development of Geomechanics of Highly Compressed Rocks and Rock Masses in Russia

A brief overview of the basic principles of geomechanics of highly compressed rocks and masses is presented. The historical path of formation of this new scientific branch of the classical geomechanics...

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Indirect evaluation of the influence of rock boulders in blasting to the geohazard: Unearthing geologic insights fused with tree seed based LSTM algorithm

Effective control of blasting outcomes depends on a thorough understanding of rock geology and the integration of geological characteristics with blast design parameters. This study underscores the...

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Optimization design method of 2D+3D slope shape for landslide prevention in open-pit coal mine

In order to improve the stability of the slope and prevent the occurrence of landslide disaster, this study took the east slope of the first mining area of Zhundong Open-pit Coal Mine as the engineering...

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Technical management practice of rock burst prevention and control: A case study of Yankuang Energy Group Co., Ltd.

To ensure the on-site implementation of regulations and technical measures for rock burst prevention and control, this study takes Yankuang Energy Group Co., Ltd. as an example, establishes an on-site...

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Stability prediction of roadway surrounding rock using INGO-RF

In order to more accurately classify the stability of roadway surrounding rock and identify dangerous areas in a timely manner to prevent roadway collapse and other disasters, this study proposes an...

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Leveraging artificial neural networks for robust landslide susceptibility mapping: A geospatial modeling approach in the ecologically sensitive Nilgiri District, Tamil Nadu

Landslides pose a significant threat to the lives and livelihoods of marginalised communities residing in rural areas and the delicate ecological balance of the environment. Implementing advanced technologies...

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Prediction of coal and gas outburst hazard using kernel principal component analysis and an enhanced extreme learning machine approach

In order to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of coal and gas outburst prediction, a novel approach combining Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) with an Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm...

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Kinetic characterisation of sandstone exposed to high temperature-water cooling cycle treatments under impact loading: from the perspective of geohazard

Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) improve geothermal energy extraction but can cause rapid cooling of high-temperature rocks, leading to internal fractures that weaken mechanical properties and pose...

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Indirect hazard evaluation by the prediction of backbreak distance in the open pit mine using support vector regression and chicken swarm optimization

Backbreak is one of the undesirable phenomena in open-pit mines and causes several adverse hazards, such as lanslide, rock falling off and bench instability. Backbreak is influenced by many factors,...

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Investigation on the damage accumulation mechanisms of landslides in earthquake-prone area: Role of loading-unloading cycles

Investigating rock damage behaviour is crucial for understanding the formation mechanisms of fractured slopes in earthquake-prone areas. However, the current understanding of the nonlinear damage processes...

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Internal variable gradient model for active earth pressure of rigid retaining wall moving with translation

The instability of retaining wall is a key factor for many geo-hazards, such as landslides. To estimate the stability of retaining wall, the distribution of earth pressure is necessary. The results...

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Bayesian optimization-enhanced ensemble learning for the uniaxial compressive strength prediction of natural rock and its application

Engineering disasters, such as rockburst and collapse, are closely related to structural instability caused by insufficient bearing capacity of geological materials. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS)...

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Fluid-driven fault nucleation, rupture processes, and permeability evolution in oshima granite — Preliminary results and acoustic emission datasets

This study investigated the fault nucleation and rupture processes driven by stress and fluid pressure in fine-grained granite by monitoring acoustic emissions (AEs). Through detailed analysis of the...

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Gas control technology for coal and gas outburst mines based on new sealing materials

In order to solve the problem of gas overlimit in corner corners of coal and gas prominent mines, through the combination of air leakage mechanism in the goaf, near-field fissure expansion and rich...

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Attenuation of blast-induced vibration on tunnel structures

The blast-induced vibration during excavation by drilling and blasting method has an important impact on the surrounding structures. In particular, with the development of tunnel engineering, the impact...

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Development of a portable coal rock charge monitoring instrument and its application for rockburst control

Effective monitoring techniques and equipment are essential for the prevention and control of coal and rock dynamic disasters such as rockburst. Based on the fact that there is charge generation during...

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Instability prevention and control of waste dump slopes with different consolidation degrees under the influence of rainfall

The stability and management of waste dump slopes are pivotal research topics in geotechnical engineering and have long posed central challenges in coal mine ecological restoration. Controlling the...

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Investigation of the partition failure process and energy evolution in coal-rock composite structure under free surface unloading

Unloading failure of the coal-rock (CR) system is the key factor leading to rock burst disaster. Therefore, it is very important to explore the failure mechanism of the CR system by laboratory test....

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Analysis of coal mine safety accident features in China, 2017–2022

Coal-related accidents are prevalent in China, often attributed to the intricate geology and challenging working conditions of mines. This study seeks to determine the patterns of these accidents by...

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Buckling failure analysis and numerical manifold method simulation for high and steep slope: A case study

Buckling failure of layered rock slopes due to self-weight is common in mountain areas, especially for high and steep slope, and it frequently results in serious disasters. Previous research has focused...

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Research on the influence of rock fracture toughness of layered formations on the hydraulic fracture propagation at the initial stage

Deep underground rocks exhibit significant layered heterogeneity due to geological evolution and sedimentation. Rock fracture toughness, as one of the important indicators of hydraulic crack propagation,...

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Review of the experimental studies of the cracking behaviors of fractured rocks under compression

In recent years, many useful experimental results on the cracking behaviors of fractured rocks have been obtained via uniaxial, biaxial, triaxial, and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) tests. In this...

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Enhancing disaster management effectiveness: An integrated analysis of key factors and practical strategies through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and scopus data text mining

In the 21st century, the surge in natural and human-induced disasters necessitates robust disaster management frameworks. This research addresses a critical gap, exploring dynamics in the successful...

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Deformation characteristics and instability mechanism of transportation hub under downward traversal conditions of the double-track super-large diameter shield tunnel

To investigate the deformation characteristics and instability mechanism of the transportation hub under downward traversal conditions of the double-track super-large diameter shield tunnel, take the...

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