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Open access

ISSN: 2095-2635
CN: 10-1024/TU
e-ISSN: 2095-2643

Quantifying the quality of outdoor space in high-intensity residential areas: A case study of Nanjing in China

The quality of outdoor space in residential areas is of great importance to residents. However, the existing studies predominately focus on a certain types of open space. In addition, there is lack...

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Assessing sustainable practices in architecture: A data-driven analysis of LEED certification adoption and impact in top firms from 2000 to 2023

Amid increasing global environmental concerns, the architectural industry is under increasing pressure to implement sustainable practices. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification...

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Morphogenic processes of adaptability and interconnectedness between urban interventions and informal settlements

Contemporary intervention strategies in Latin America have been mainly based on adaptability and informal interconnection processes based on observing morphogenic evolution in informal settlements....

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Pedestrian vitality characteristics in pedestrianized commercial streets-considering temporal, spatial, and built environment factors

Trajectory data is commonly used in environmental behavior studies to explore the relation between the built environment of commercial streets and urban vitality. However, there is a lack of in-depth...

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Research on ancient town style construction strategies based on coupled quantitative analysis of AI visual recognition and scenic beauty evaluation

How to create the scenery is the key issue in ancient towns. In this study, 50 photos were collected and distributed through the Internet. First, 456 online questionnaires with 25,080 data were got....

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Creative interior design matching the indoor structure generated through diffusion model with an improved control network

AI-driven interior design generation offers promising applications. However, current AI-based diffusion models struggle to generate indoor layouts in pixel-level alignment with the indoor structure....

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The architectural characteristics of the traditional castles in Al-Hejaz, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Shanqal Castle as a case study

This study aims to analyze the architectural characteristics of traditional castles in Al-Hejaz, KSA, with the goal of elucidating their historical significance, cultural value, and architectural importance....

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Depression or recovery? A study of the influencing elements of urban street environments to alleviate mental stress

Studies have shown that a well-designed urban environment can have the same stress-reducing capacity as the natural environment. This may provide an opportunity to improve population health. In this...

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Neglected vertical linkage: A study on the form of the canal network in the Huainan Salt Area during the Ming and Qing dynasties using space syntax measurements

The Huainan Salt Area was the most essential salt production and trade base in ancient China. The government had strict control over the essential tax source region and left behind numerous official...

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Simulation study of non-traveling pedestrian traffic in high-speed railway station areas: A case study of the Yangtze River Delta

Non-Traveling Pedestrian Traffic (NTPT) plays a pivotal role in promoting business development and resident activities within High-Speed Railway Station Areas (HSRSA). However, extracting NTPT from...

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The study of high-performance generation methods for rural plan based on generative adversarial network

In China, traditional village layouts are dynamic, harmoniously integrated with the natural environment, and rich in unique cultural characteristics. However, rapidly constructed villages often lack...

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Marginalized Modern Architectural Heritage in Indonesia: The case of transformator huisje (gardu listrik) architecture of the Nederlandsche Indisch era

This study is in order to implement the mandate of UNESCO (2003) on the documentation of architectural heritage of the modern period of the 19th-20th century, where in reality several typologies of...

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Both walls and embankments: Flood control construction strategies and characteristics of Yellow River floodplain cities in the Ming Dynasty

The paper has investigated a total of 32 cities from 27 prefectures, states, and counties in Henan, Shandong, Southern Zhili, and Northern Zhili that built embankments due to the Yellow River flooding...

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Analyzing image recognition characteristics in landscape architecture: A study using eye tracking with a focus on educational perspectives

Despite the educational importance of visual communication skills in spatial design education, the patterns and characteristics of students' image recognition, as well as the underlying mechanisms and...

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Generative AI models for different steps in architectural design: A literature review

Recent advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been significantly driven by models such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and...

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Exploring thermal comfort for the older adults: A comparative study in Dalian City's diverse living environments

China's aging population is a pressing issue, with the need for comfortable living environments for older adults being paramount to their health and well-being. A study was conducted in Dalian, China,...

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Micro-scale built environment and pedestrian behavior: A focus on sidewalks in commercial districts in Tokyo

Sidewalks play an indispensable role in creating walkable environments. In commercial districts, sidewalks increase connectivity and can enhance pedestrian volume, which promotes commerce. While past...

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Current status and research progress in architectural programming: A comparative analysis between China and other countries

Architectural programming is of significant importance in improving urban planning efficiency, enhancing the sustainability of the construction industry, and supporting the development of social infrastructure....

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Expression and communication in architecture philosophy of vernacular architecture of the Yorubas in Nigeria

This paper investigated how Yoruba architectural philosophy was expressed and communicated through their vernacular architecture, despite its gradually diminishing presence in modern times. A mixed-method...

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Comprehensive improvement of energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality for university library atrium—A multi-objective fast optimization framework

Low-carbon, energy-saving, and health have become a common trend for the whole of mankind. However, how to balance the relationship between energy-saving and healthy indoor environment is a key issue...

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Gender disparities in perceived visibility and crime anxiety in piloti parking spaces of multifamily housing: A virtual reality study

This study examined the influence of gender differences on perceived visibility and crime anxiety within the architectural context of multifamily residential areas, utilizing virtual reality to simulate...

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A systematic method of generating hinged tessellations by adding hinged plates based on dual graphs

Kinetic facades possess aesthetic expressiveness and environmental responsiveness, aligning with the principles of low-carbon architecture. Current kinetic facades primarily rely on three-dimensional...

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Urban geometry as a climate adaptation strategy for enhancing outdoor thermal comfort in a hot desert climate

This study aimed to assess the impact of varying street canyon geometries on outdoor thermal comfort in two Egyptian cities with distinct climates: Aswan, located in the southern desert region, and...

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Vernacular heritage for an underlying principle of unity in the architectural process

How to learn from vernacular heritage and apply its lessons to contemporary architecture is not a recent concern. Admiration towards popular buildings can be traced back to key figures of the Modern...

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The impact of the mega-event on urban morphology: Arbaeen event in Al-Najaf as a case study

This study explores the morphological changes resulting from mega-events, focusing on the impact of the Arbaeen event on Al-Najaf's city morphology post-2003. It examines the physical, socio-cultural,...

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