Sheng-I Yang
Editorial Board, Forest Ecosystems
University of Georgia, USA

University of Georgia, USA
Sheng-I Yang is an Assistant Professor of Forest Biometrics, his research focuses on modeling forest growth, diversity, structure and function for planted and natural forests in order to advance forest science and inform sustainable forest management decisions. He develops and improves quantitative methods at the individual tree, stand, and system levels. He has worked on multiple research projects for a variety of forest types including southern pine monocultures as well as mixed-species forests in temperate and pantropical regions.
Particularly, he is interested in (1) estimating stand carrying capacity, (2) modeling stem taper and bark thickness, (3) characterizing tree allometry relationships, (4) assessing forest carbon, and (5) improving forest inventory and model projections. In addition to research, he has been devoted to forest biometrics, applied statistics and geospatial education. He currently serves as a Coordinator of 4.01.03 Instruments and Methods in Forest Mensuration in the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).