Pil Sun Park
Editorial Board, Forest Ecosystems
Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Bioresources, Seoul National University, Korea

Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Bioresources, Seoul National University, Korea
Dr. Pil Sun Park is a professor of Forest Ecology and Silviculture at Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Bioresources, Seoul National University, Korea. She was the director of Seoul National University Arboretum and Seoul National University Forests. She is a member of the editorial board for Forest Science and Technology, Journal of Ecology and Environment, Ecological Research, and Forests. She is a deputy coordinator of IUFRO Division 1 Silviculture.
She has worked on temperate forests - pine forests and deciduous broadleaved forests - and subalpine forests that are dominated by fir and spruce. She has also worked on tropical forest restoration. She worked in tropical rain forests in the Philippines, and natural mangrove forests in Vietnam. She is currently working on the development of silvicultural techniques for forest ecosystem services, rehabilitation of abandoned mine fields, and forest restoration.
Areas of expertise: Silviculture; Forest stand dynamics; Stand structural characteristics and changes responding to environmental factors; Disturbances and climate change; Integrating field information into practical applications in silviculture and forest restoration