Miguel Montoro Girona
Editorial Board, Forest Ecosystems
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Canada

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Canada
Miguel Montoro Girona is a professor in Forest Ecology at UQAT (Canada). His research aims to evaluate the impact of natural (insect outbreak, fire, moose, beaver, windthrow) and anthropogenic disturbances (silvicultural practices, mining and log drive) on forest ecosystem at multiples spatio-temporal scales to provide tools for the implementation of forest sustainable management in the face of climate change. Recently, he developed new research to understand complex interactions between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. He uses paleoecological and dendroecological approaches to reconstruct past disturbance regimes, or landscape simulations to predict the future of forest ecosystems. He funded a research Group ? GREMA to help the regional institutions to apply sustainable forestry and to adapt forest management strategies to climate change.
Areas of expertise: Silviculture; restoration ecology; biodiversity; disturbance ecology; aquatic and terrestrial interactions; tree-ring multiple traits; landscape modelling; paleoecology