Junwei Luan
Editorial Board, Forest Ecosystems
International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, China

International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, China
Junwei Luan is a professor at International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR), and leads a research group of forest ecosystem structure and function (FESAF). He completed his Ph.D. degree in Ecology at Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) in 2010. He has since broadened his research expertise to ecosystem carbon process in Tibetan meadow (CAF, assistant professor, 2010?2013) and in boreal peatland ecosystems in Canada (Memorial University of Newfoundland, postdoctoral fellow, 2013?2016) before join in ICBR. He has published more than 40 peer reviewed papers focusing on soil ecological processes and function in response to disturbances and climate change. He serves as the deputy coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) 1.10.00 Long-term research on forest ecosystem management.
Areas of expertise: Plant soil interactions; forest soil ecology; ecosystem processes; biodiversity and ecosystem function