eScience Energy

eScience Energy
eScience Energy is an open-access journal publishing cutting-edge scientific and technological research emerging from interdisciplinary fields related to advanced batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, r...
eScience Energy is an open-access journal publishing cutting-edge scientific and technological research emerging from interdisciplinary fields related to advanced batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, redox flow cells, etc. Original, important or general interest contributions covering a diverse range of topics are considered. eScience Energy covers a broad spectrum of topics related to chemical and physical power sources, including but not limited to:
Fundamentals on electrochemistry and photoelectric chemistry.
Design and synthesis of advanced materials for batteries and cells.
Innovations in battery/cell design, manufacture, and system engineering.
Advanced characterization and analysis of batteries/cells.
Computational modeling and simulation of battery/cell processes.
Environmental impact, recycling, and sustainability of batteries/cells.
Integration of batteries with renewable energy systems and smart grids.
About the editors
eScience Energy’s editorial office provides a fair and rigorous peer-review process, high-standard copy-editing, and swift publication. Information about the scientific background of the editors can be found here. eScience Energy is also committed to fostering diversity throughout the global scientific community.
Article Types
Covering a broad spectrum of cutting-edge researches and original breakthroughs in the form of communications, articles, reviews, perspectives.
eScience Energy is owned and sponsored by Nankai University.