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ISSN: 2666-7592

Traffic light system regulation of induced seismicity under multi-well fluid injection

The occurrence time and magnitude of injection-induced seismicity are influenced by engineering factors, such as wellhead pressure, injection location, injection volume, and injection rate. Understanding...

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Quantitative characterization and vertical evolution of fan delta sand bodies: A case study of the Liushagang Formation in the Weixi'nan sag, China

The study on sand body connectivity and distribution patterns is of great significance for well emplacement and injection-production pattern analysis in the A oilfield of the Weixi'nan Sag currently...

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Seismic and petrophysical data analysis for geological interpretation and subsurface modeling of Keva Field, onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria

This study integrates seismic and petrophysical data to evaluate the subsurface geology of the Keva Field, located onshore in the Niger Delta, with the objective of constructing a 3D geological model...

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Determining CO₂ front in CO₂-EOR using a well-testing method

CO2 flooding is a widely recognized method for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). This study aims to develop an accurate prediction method for determining the location and migration pathway of CO2 front,...

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Machine learning-based prediction of physical parameters in heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs using well log data

This study explores the application of machine learning techniques for predicting permeability, porosity, and flow zone indicator (FZI) in carbonate reservoirs using well log data, aiming to overcome...

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The control of differential tectonics on the formation of deep reservoirs in lacustrine rift basins: An insight of the Bodong Low Uplift in the Bohai Bay Basin, East China

Tectonic activities significantly impact deep reservoir properties via sedimentary and diagenetic processes, and this is particularly true for lacustrine rift basins. The tectonic-sedimentary-diagenetic-reservoir...

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Gas geochemistry evaluation of onshore Colombian basins: New insights for natural gas and liquified petroleum gas prospectivity

This study examines the molecular and isotopic composition of 193 gas samples collected from oil and gas fields across Colombia's onshore basins with active hydrocarbon production. Comparative analyses...

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A model for predicting marine shale gas sweet spots based on relative sea-level changes and its application

Gas-bearing shales have become a major source of future natural gas production worldwide. It has become increasingly urgent to develop a reliable prediction model and corresponding workflow for identifying...

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Control of volcanic lithofacies on play fairways: A case study of the Huoshiling Formation in the Dehui faulted depression, southern Songliao Basin, China

Volcanic reservoirs demonstrate strong heterogeneity and substantial variations in productivity due to the complexity of volcanic eruption and lithology. The main types of reservoir space are not clear,...

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Integrating geographic information system and 3D virtual reality for optimized modeling of large-scale photovoltaic wind hybrid system: A case study in Dakhla City, Morocco

This research pioneers the integration of geographic information systems (GIS) and 3D modeling within a virtual reality (VR) framework to assess the viability and planning of a 20 MW hybrid wind-solar-photovoltaic...

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Prediction on rock strength by mineral composition from machine learning of ECS logs

Rock strength evaluation is critical in oil and gas exploration, but traditional methods, such as empirical formulas, laboratory tests, and numerical simulations, often struggle with accuracy, generalizability,...

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Hybrid CO2 thermal system for post-steam heavy oil recovery: Insights from microscopic visualization experiments and molecular dynamics simulations

The hybrid CO2 thermal technique has achieved considerable success globally in extracting residual heavy oil from reserves following a long-term steam stimulation process. Using microscopic visualization...

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Application of iso-frequency extractions and spectral frequency blending in hydrocarbon delineation of thin-pay and thick-pay reservoirs, Niger Delta Basin

Delineation of hydrocarbon-bearing sands and the extent of accumulation using seismic data is a reoccurring challenge for many fields. This study addressed the existing challenges of delineating a known...

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Unlocking the potentials of depleted gas fields: A numerical evaluation of underground CO2 storage and geothermal energy harvesting

Using partial underground CO2 storage as a working agent to harvest geothermal energy is a promising carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) method. It is particularly economically feasible...

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Gasbag phase-change carbon dioxide energy storage: Development and economic study

The Gasbag Phase-change Carbon Dioxide Energy Storage System leverages elastic gasbags to store carbon dioxide under varying geographical conditions. This approach utilizes the phase-change sensible...

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Thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling effects on the integrated optimization of CO2-EOR and geological storage in a high water-cut reservoir in Xinjiang, China

Carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) and storage is recognized as an economically feasible technique if used in suitable reservoirs. The type or form and capacity of this CO2 sequestration...

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Hydrothermal activity and its influence on hydrocarbon accumulation in deep dolomite reservoirs of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation, Sichuan Basin

There are abundant hydrothermal events within the Dengying Formation dolomite of the Precambrian system in southwest China. Methods including petrography identification, fluid-inclusion observation,...

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Clastic facies classification using machine learning-based algorithms: A case study from Rawat Basin, Sudan

Machine learning techniques and a dataset of five wells from the Rawat oilfield in Sudan containing 93,925 samples per feature (seven well logs and one facies log) were used to classify four facies....

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Combined application of FTAN and cross-spectra analysis to ambient noise recorded by a microseismic monitoring network

A case study of seismic interferometry applied to a small microseismic monitoring network is here presented. The main objectives of this study are (i) to quantify the lateral variability of shear-wave...

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Estimation of parameters for 3D geomechanical modeling from triaxial test results

Triaxial testing serves as a fundamental method for evaluating the elastic and strength properties of rocks, crucial for developing accurate 3D geomechanical models. This paper presents a novel method...

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Making sense of the L-shaped pore pressure ramps in Brunei: Compression-induced vertical fluid flow in the basin and its impact on the petroleum system

Overpressure prediction for exploratory drilling has become robust in most basins with increasing well control, high-quality seismic datasets, and proactive real-time overpressure monitoring while drilling....

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Reservoir characteristics and distribution of the Majiagou Formation in the Fuxian area of Ordos Basin, China

The Majiagou Formation in the Fuxian area of the southeastern Ordos Basin has undergone a complex diagenetic evolution history under the influence of eustacy and the Caledonian karstification, resulting...

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Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental constraints on organic matter enrichment in the Paleocene strata in the Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin

Using major and trace element analyses, this study investigated the impacts of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental variations on organic matter enrichment in the Paleocene Yueguifeng, Lingfeng, and...

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Application of fractal model in the Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs of central Junggar Basin as constrained by mercury ejection curves

The high-pressure mercury intrusion (HPMI) experiment is widely used to assess the pore architecture of tight sandstone reservoirs. However, the conventional analysis of the high-pressure mercury intrusion...

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Carbon circular utilization and sequestration in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs: Towards a carbon-neutral China

The technology of carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced hydrocarbon recovery is favored over other Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS) methods for achieving the “double carbon” goal in China...

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